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Sam's pov
Today was the day me and colby move out I finally don't get to see my dad anymore but I will have to leave my baby sis and my mom behind that's the only thing I'm sad about speaking of the devil "hey hon are u ready your flights in 2 hours and I no your scared to go on plans but remember colby will be there with u"she says giving me a hug "yes mom I am ready and I no colby will me by my side the whole time but I still have panic attacks going on a plan"I said a little scared
"But he will protect u now come on let's go the flights in 2 hours and it's a 1 hour drive here I will get your bags u can say bye to Allison" she says greeting one of my bags I go to Allison's room "bye Sam" Allison says hugging me "don't worry about dad if he ever trys to lay one finger on u I will come back to see if your ok promise me u will call or text me if it happens" I say to her "I promise" "good, I love u Alli" I say putting her I the air "I love u to Sammy" Allison says giggling "haha ok I got to go bye" "bye" she says back to me
I get in the car and I just fell asleep till mom woke me up "we're here" Mom says getting out of the car I get out as well to get my bags she hugs me "promise u will be safe and not get banded from another mall " I laugh and say "I promise except for the mall part" I giggled she just rolled her eyes when I got all four bags I blow a kiss to mom and left I was looking for colby till I found him he ran up to me hugging me "are u ready to go to L.A" he said looking in my eyes "yes i am" i said looking back at his eyes
Colby pov
Sam was so cute looking when he was happy we sit down and chat till sam had somthing to ssy to me "um colby i forget to tell u this but i hate going on plans" Sam said to me
"Dont worry i will be there to keep u safe" i said back to him then after those words camebout our plan was called and i can see fear in sams eyes i whisperbin his ear "ill be there"he relaxed a bit

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