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Swear words

Colby pov
The plane was now in L.A and I can't wait Sam was still asleep so I nudge him till he slowly rise his head up he looks around then at me we got up from our seats grabbed our bags and called a ouber to go to the building we are suppose to go too we waited for about 15 minutes when it finally got here while we where in the ouber Sam laid his head on my chest while on his phone "sammy u ok"
"Y-yea just fill a bit tired"
"Oh okay"
Once we got to the stop he got our bags and went inside to get the keys
"Hello how may I help y'all"
A short lady said she had hazel eyes with long dirty blonde hair s bit tan no freckles and was pretty short
"We are Sam and Colby"I said to the shorter lady
"Oh yes your room is 487 floor 5 have a great time here" the girl said giving us the keys
When we where at Sam's and I room we unlocked it to see nothing there but my mom said furniture comes by tommorow so me and Sam decided to make fort with out blankets and pillows
Sam pov and time skip
We where done making our fort I was still a bit homesick but doing much betted I can't wait for furniture though Colby told me we get it tommorow "babe what do u want to do I'm bored" Colby said in a baby voice
Make out session
"I don't no what ever u want to do"I said in a baby voice as well
"Okay" Colby said getting up he grabbed me and leaned closer to me I did the same till our lips smashed onto each others colby went rough asking for entrance but I teased him and declined
Colby pov
Sam was teasing me but I no how to get it my way I grabbed his ass sam was shocked but I got in his mouth his mint breath felt so nice he put his arms around my waist still shocked he loves me and I love him we let go after a few more seconds catching our breath
"Sammy I love u" I told him still catching a bit of my breath
"I love u too colbybear" Sam said looking up a we layed down and had a little conversation
"Are u still bored" Sam asked
"Not anymore" I said looking at sam
Then I hurd same phone go off he looks at the message

B-if u dont text back I will find u and hurt u so text back
"C-colby I got to take this I will be right back"
Sam pov

B-Brennen S-Sam
S-im texting
B-good now listen what gives u the rights to take colby away from me why does he even hang out with someone like u your just a fag with no one your useless and why do u even live on this world your worth nothing go die already
Those words are all true Im useless Im worth nothing Im a fag I went back to the text and said

And with that I got in my bag and got my razor I went in the bathroom looked at myself in the mirror I look disgusting
And with those words I put the blade near my skin about to cut till I remember something
"Sammy can u promise me something please" Colby said in a worried ton
I just nod my head yes in response
" anytime u have the urge to cut tell me
Anytime your dad hurts u tell me
Anytime someone hurts u or be mean u to please tell me promise"
"I-i promise"I said bursting into tears
End of flashback
With that I put the sharp object away from my skin and go to my room to put it back
Colby pov
Sam has been gone for awhile now I was about to call for him till I heard someone come from the hall to the living room seeing sammy
He looked sad like he was about to cry "babe are u okay" I said looking into Sam's eyes he nod his head no and ran to me crying hugging me
"What happened"I said angry about what could of happened sam gave me his phone still in a crying mess I sat him and me down putting him in my lap I look at the messages it was from Brennen I look at the messages reading them all they all rage got inside of me anger build up inside of me hearing my little angle crying because of these messages that are not even true I texted brennen this
S-dont u dare talk to my sammy like that u bitch he is not useless he is not a fag I care about him he deserves me but he doesn't deserve u he doesn't deserve people being mean to him he doesn't desuve to be hated on so u can go stop texting my boyfriend bye
After I texted that I blocked him looking down at my hurt sammy still crying in my shirt  I started rubbing circles on his back
"shh sammy your ok don't listen yo brennen"
"I-I almost d-did it again c-colby"sam said crying still and I new what he was talking about but he almost did
"Shh it's ok u didn't do it though your fine"I said still trying to calm him down after a few minutes he calmed down but I still kept him on my lap
"I'm sorry"sam said looking up at me
"Why are u saying sorry"I asked
"I was so close to doing it"he said back to me
"But u didn't and thats all that matters"
"No your fine that's all that matters baby"I said enter not leting him finish what he was saying
"O-ok"sam said yawning
I put his head on my chest holding him till we fell asleep

Sorry it took so long to update im moving and its hard to do both but i promise i will update more often boi
Word 1059 

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