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Sam pov

I felt like me and colby should make christmas cookies but colvy went to do something so I couldn't ask him yet but I did get the stuff out from the kitchen then went in the shower

Colby pov
I drived back to the apartment and listened to music I parked and walked to Sams and I apartment dorm
"Baby I'm home"I yelled
"I'm in the shower" he yelled back to me I closed the door locking it and looked over at the kitchen seeing stuff later out I smiled at what it was
I heard the shower go off I put all my stuff in a bing bag chair
I yelled and instantly saw it was only sam I sighed sam laughing till tears formed in his eyes
"I finally got u YES" sam said proud of himself "yea well just wait in till I get you back" I smirked ad sam looked scared "what's all the stuff in the kitchen"I asked still concerned
"Oh I forgot to ask do u want to make Christmas cookies please baby"sam asked hope in his eyes and I couldn't say no
"Of course sweetheart"I said kissing his nose lightly he giggled and gave me a peck on the lips before it got heated
"So we first put flour In the bowl"I said to sam as he put some flour in there
"Then add milk"I said grabbing the milk from the fridge and putting some in because we don't got to measure it
"Two eggs"sam cracked the eggs and put it in the bowl
"Any food coloring you want"I said reading the thing so me and sam got green and red the steered the mix when sam looked away I grabbed a egg and cracked it on his head he froze in his track and his mouth open basically to the ground with me laughing my ass off
"T-thats what y-you g-wr for scareing the shit o-out of me" I tried to say while laughing still
"Brock your so dead"he grabbed a egg and cracked it on my head
"Oh that's it your on" I said I got food coloring and put a lot on his cheek

Third person

Sam grabbed the batter from the counter and poured some of it on Colby's head before it all got on his head colby grabbed it and poured the rest on sam there kitchen was a mess and they where laughing till others sides hurt
"We'll I guess we can't cook without making a mess"colby said after he was done laughing
"Yea well now I need to shower again"sam sighed but before he could get out of the kitchen colby grabbed his arm and pulled sam closer colby put his lips on sam
Sam pov

Colby grabbed me before I could get out of the kitchen looking at my eyes and then my lips and back to my eyes he closed his eyes and I closed mine as I felt warm soft and sweet lips go onto mine i put my arms around Colby's neck and he put his on my waist pulling my body closer to his
Our lips sinked in motion he licked my bottom lip making me moan a bit letting him have entrance I felt his tongue explore my mouth
We pulled away from each other
"I love you"colby whispered in my ear
"I love you to" I said
"Let's take a shower now"I also said
He nodded we got a towel and some pajamas but I got colbys shirt instead of mine
We got in the shower together and cleaned off then put our PJ's on
Colby say me wearing his shirt and he smiled at me
"Sammy I got a question"
"Why are you just so adorable"
I blushed and giggled looking down slightly
"Here's my question why are you so adorable"I said he just giggled back and kissed me again
"Let's go to bed"colby said picking me up princess style as I layer my head on his shoulder
I love this man so much he's the best person I met he layed in bed and slept

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