Chapter 1:

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Tasha: I waited in the plastic chair, waiting to talk to Pepper Stark. I flipped through an Engineering Now magazine, bored by the sight. I looked at the clock. I had been here only a mere ten minutes, but I was bored out of my mind. I flipped to the page in the Forbes, smiling at the happy picture.

"Natasha Pells," a woman's voice said. I looked up to see the brown haired secretary, "Mrs. Stark will see you now."

I walked in, smiling as I did. I saw the blonde haired Pepper sitting at a desk, two chairs in front, looking at a screen on her desk. I cleared my throat, in hopes of making my presence known. It worked. Pepper looked up, "May I help you?"  Her face was clearly confused, but I smiled and nodded.

"Yes," I said, "I was wondering if there were anyway to arrange a meeting with Tony Stark."

"How old are you?" she asked.

"16," I said, "Does it affect my chances of getting a meeting with Tony?"

"May I ask why you wish to see him?" Pepper asked.

"My name is Natasha Pells," I said, taking a deep breath, "I'm his daughter."

Well that got her attention.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"He never told you?" I asked.

"We don't make an effort to tell each other fiction," Pepper said, with a raised eyebrow.

"If it were fiction, I wouldn't be here," I said.

"If you're his daughter, why don't you even share the same last name?" Pepper asked.

"My last name is actually a hyphenated one. It's Stark -Pells, but when my parent's split, I took my mom's side," I said, shrugging, "I've made a bad habbit of not claiming the 'Stark' part."

"Sure," Pepper said, rolling her eyes, "You just denounce the Stark name until it's useful."

I rolled my eyes. I handed over the Forbes Magazine. Inside was a picture of my mom and my dad. They were happy at the time. My dad was clean shaven and his hair was spiked. My mom's curly blonde hair was tied in a bun, her outfit consisting of a business suit. Pepper looked sideways at the picture. Underneath the picture was the caption:

Tony Stark, the newest CEO of Stark Industries, alongside his wife, Whitney Pells, who is his standing personal assistant.

"Whitney Pells," I said, pointing  to my mother, "My mom."

"Tony wasn't married before me," Pepper whispered, suddenly shocked.

"Do you believe a 1997 Forbes Magazine?" I asked, probably a little too harshly.

"Do you have some sort of Birth certificate," Pepper asked.

I pulled it out of my bag, flashing Tony Stark's signature at her.

"Let's go hear this story from Tony," Pepper said. Her eyes were narrow. I nodded.

It wasn't long until I was in the passenger seat of an Audi R8, speeding past the normal sights of Malibu.

"So your mom was married to Tony?" Pepper asked.

"I thought we went through this already," I said, still bitter from the events previous.

"I'm just confused," Pepper said, "I never found any child support checks while I was doing bills. Ever."

"Tony left my mom with a large chunk of money when they decided to end things," I explained, "So there was never a need to file for child support."

"Where is your mom now. Is she worried about you," Pepper asked.

"No," I said, "She died two weeks ago." I felt a pang of sadness in my chest, my eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead. Her death hadn't been surprising, but it didn't make it hurt less.

Pepper's face grew solemn as we neared a large house. "I'm sorry to hear that," Pepper said.

We came into a garage, where there were many cars lined up. There was also a workshop to die for. And Tony Stark, sitting peacefully in the middle of it, looking at a computer. Upon the car's arrival, he stood, walking towards the car. Pepper got out, her face angry.

"I have a girl in the car telling a pretty interesting tale," Pepper said. Tony's eyes flicked to the car, where he looked at me. His face grew solemn. It helped everyone thought I looked exactly like my mom. Except for my long brown hair, which also curled just like hers.

"What sort?" Tony asked, "Cause I'm not perfect with faces, you know that." Jerk I thought to myself.

"She claims she's your daughter," Pepper said, "A Natasha Pells."

Tony paled. "Natasha, uh, Pells?" he asked.

"You want to see her?" Pepper asked, "See if it refreshes your memory?"

Tony nodded and I stepped out of the car. I gave him my cockiest smile. Recognize me now, Stark I thought a little too deviously.

"Natasha Pells," he said, under his breath.

"You have a lot to explain," Pepper said, "But I think I'll let you talk to your daughter."

She walked away angrily.

"You look like your mom," Tony said.

"I get that a lot," I said, my voice snapping. I did not feel like giving him the privilege of a civil conversation.

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked, his voice quiet.

"Good to see you too," I said, smirking.

"Just answer the question. Your mom said she wanted you to be raised by her and her only. I was really hoping she'd at least tell me you were coming," Tony said.

"My mom died," I said, "Two weeks ago." This  time the pain was muted by anger. He should have been there.

I saw Tony Stark grow a very sad look in his eye, "What?"

"Cancer's not exactly sweet to 16 year old girls who have to lose their moms," I said, my throat tight.

"I'm sorry," Tony said. He looked down, "Come on, I'll show you to your room."

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