Chapter 7:

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Tasha: I stood out on my balcony. "AVIS," I said, "Should I go to that party tonight."

"Are you asking my opinion or yours?" AVIS asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yours," I said, "You know I'm not sure I have one."

"I think you should go. Tony wants to show you as his daughter, and you should let him," AVIS said. I sighed.

"But what about my mom," I said, seeing my crucial decision.

"Your mom would want you to get to know him. Let you be happy with him," AVIS said. I nodded.

"Okay," I said, "I think I will."

"You will what?" a voice said behind me. I turned to see Tony.

"Uh, go to that party tonight," I said, which wasn't technically a lie.

"You were talking to yourself," Tony said.

"Yeah, pretty much," I said. Tony smirked. I didn't feel like explaining the whole "hey I made an Iron Man suit for myself, along with a way better version of JARVIS and I can access both with a simple combination of movements" thing yet.

"So what's it like?" I asked, "The whole Iron Man thing?"

"Oh, you know," Tony said. I did, but I wanted to hear his thoughts. "It's a pretty comfy suit. And the whole flying things not bad. But the whole fighting crime thing can be a bit much."

"The suits pretty cool," I said.

"Oh yeah it is," Tony said.

"So what's it like to be in there?" I asked. I took a guess on my own mentally.

" Not bad. I mean it's a pretty utile outfit, so it's pretty cool," Tony said. I smiled.

"Will I ever use one?" I asked.

"I have mine all coded to me. So no," Tony said.

" Oh," I said.

The sound of a motor pulling up.

"Peppers home. " Tony said, "You should get ready."  I nodded.

It wasn't to long before I was dressed in a black strapless dress, which feel just above my knees. A knock came on my door. "Come in," I called.

Pepper came through the door. "You look nice," she said.

"Uh, thanks," I said, observing her outfit. She had on a green dress that fell to her ankles.

"I just want to tell you I think we got off to a bad start. It was just a bit of a shock," Pepper said.

" No hard feelings," I said, shrugging.

" Okay," Pepper said, " Would you like some help with your hair."

I had my hair down at the moment. It covered the little black centimeters of where my suit could come out on my shoulder blades.

" Um, i was just going to wear it down. If that's alright," I said. Pepper nodded.

"The limo will be here in 15 minutes," Pepper said, "I just wanted to straighten that out."

" Okay," I said.

15 minutes later I was in a limo, on my way to an elite party. We pulled up. " Are you ready for this?" Tony asked.

I nodded, which was a lie. The door opened, and I stepped out into flashing camera s.

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