Chapter 8:

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Tasha: Everyone stepped out of the vehicle, and I gave a cocky smile. Tony waved. Pepper took his arm." Tony, whose the girl?" A reporter yelled out.

"Natasha Stark-Pells," I called out.

"Pells?" A new reporter yelled, "Where did that name come from?"

"She's my ex wife," Tony explained.

" Where did this sudden up coming from your past come from," another reporter asked.

"No comment," I called. We went into the party.

" You seem to know what your doing," Tony said, " You want to just mingle on your own?"

" Sounds good," I lied.

" Hey, Tony," a man said, coming up to us.

"Rodey!" Tony said.

" Who's this?" Rodey, the man, said, pointing to me, "Just seems a little younger than your usual." Ewww was all I could think.

"Actually, she's my daughter. Rodey, meet Tasha Stark-Pells," Tony said.

"Tasha?" Rodey said, " Haven't seen you since you were about three apples high.  Pretty sure your mom was the only girl other than Pepper to have your dad tied down so bad. How's your mom?"

"Good I guess," I said, shrugging, " She's dead."

Rodey's eyes widened, " Oh wow, I'm sorry."

" Its alright," I said, shrugging again.

" So has your dad let you try a suit yet," Rodey asked, kindly changing the subject.

" No," I said, "I wish."

" They're a good ride. I'm Iron Patriot for the US military. And its pretty dang cool," Rodey said, smiling.

" You're Iron Patriot?" I asked, not incredibly  surprised.

"Yep," Rodey said, proud of that fact.

" That makes sense now," I said " My dad said he would stick you on me if i scratched his car."

" Really Tony, military force over a scratch?" Rodey asked.

"You've known him too long to think other wise Rodey," Pepper said, laughing.

"Sadly, yes," Rodey said. Tony laughed. I slowly mingled awkwardly away.

"Natasha Stark-Pells," a new male voice said, "Its been a while since I've heard that name." I turned to see a beefy man with his hands on a small sandwich.

"That seems to be the trend," I said.

"Sorry, I'm Happy by the way," the man said, " I'm the security guard at Stark. I knew you when you were so little. Jeeze, your dad was so happy that day I met you."

" Cool," I said I guess I didn't really know what to say.

The night continued with an annoying amount of stories people had about my mom. I went over to the bar for a soda, despite how odd I must have looked doing so.

"Natasha," a younger voice said. I turned to see a man, probably 24, standing over me.

"If you have a story to tell about my mom just go away," I said.

"I think I'm a little too young for that," the man said.

"So do a few other guys here," I said.

"Why don't you just get out of here. Leave these old farts to their drinking and just leave," the man said.

"Sounds great," I said, "But I came here by choice and I'm going to stay here."

"I'll spring you," the man said, "You can come back to my place."

Suddenly I got a new feeling towards this man, "Excuse me?" I asked, "I don't know you."

"Well, I'm the only one offering," the man said.

"I'm good," I said.

"You really should come back with me. I'll show you the time of your life," the man said.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Its not like you don't want to," the man said.

"Actually, I really don't," I said.

"Come on," the man said, "I'm sure daddy won't notice."

"Don't talk to me that way," I said.

"I'll talk to you anyway I want," the man said, grabbing my shoulder. Joke was on him.

"Get away from me," I said, doing my exaggerated shrug. "I'll only ask once."

"Come on," the man said, grabbing my shoulder yet again. That was it. I did one shoulder roll, and that was all I needed. My armor on that side formed, and I raised my palm.

"Don't touch me again, or I swear I'll kill you," I said. But that's when I noticed the silence. Everyone's eyes were on me. And my suit. And my dad seemed most surprised out of everyone.

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