Chapter 4:

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" Alright! "

Leslie's voice broke our groups excited chatter as we looked at the Derby course set up around us.

I was especially excited about the hill that lead down to the white vertical, it looked the most challenging other than the open water jump.

" As you know, Spruce Meadows and the Hickstead Derby are some of the most famous jumping competitions from around the world. Derby jumping is different than show-jumping in a few ways. It challenges your horse on new terrain, grass, rather than the dirt arena and the jumps have more challenges built into them, for instance, the hill, which your horse will walk or trot down, maybe even slide down if you're not careful, into a tall vertical, and the open water in between two small inclines "

I nodded as Leslie explained, loosening my reins to let Omega have a stretch before we started. She immediately tried to take a bit of the grass and I quickly stopped her.

Leslie met my gaze. " Another challenge that Mia and Omega have just reminded me of " she smiled teasingly. " Your horses may think this is relaxation time and start eating. Your job is to keep them focused... "

I shortened Omega's reins and she snorted, shaking her head.

" Now, we're going to compete against one another in a few rounds leading up to a final round between the top two riders. I'll be timing you after you clear the first jump. Treat this lesson like you would a show, but remember to have fun! " Leslie looked down at her clipboard. " First up is...Greg and Briggs! Who would like to go first "

Gregs horse, a hotblooded, energetic anglo-arabian chestnut mare, started to trot forward, catching Greg off guard. He reined her in, circling her back until she stood beside Briggs and Thunder, pinning her ears back.

" In that case lets have Briggs go first so that Ginger can learn some manners " Leslie spoke, making us all laugh, even Greg.

Briggs dipped his helmet to Leslie, like he would salute the judges during a show before pushing Thunder into a working canter from the halt. Thunder switched his leading legs every stride as if he was a dressage horse. It was a habit that he had developed over the years, but nobody knew why or how.

Briggs and Thunder made a sweeping circle and headed to the first white vertical, popping over it with ease and canter around the field to the next jump, a tall oxer with brush in between the rails. Thunder didn't even bat an eye at the potentially scary obstacle and cleared it with room to spare.

I smiled as I watched them clear one jump after another. I wished Briggs was coming with me to Kinswood so I would know at least one person there. He definitely had the skill to make it in the academy and I knew that, unlike me, money wasn't an issue. His parents were both lawyers and he livd in a big house on the other side of town. Still, despite his families wealth, Briggs never let it go to his head, like Amelia did.

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to convince Briggs to fill out an application to Kinswood. He was my best friend and having him with me all summer instead of Amelia would be the perfect parting gift.

I blushed as I thought more and more about Briggs and I being at Kinswood...together...

I shook my head, scolding myself. Briggs and I were just friends. Best friends. Nothing more. It would be weird if we started dating...wouldn't it?

I was so consumed in arguing with myself about my relationship with Briggs that I hadn't even noticed he'd finished his round and was now trotting over to us.

" Nice round Briggs " Leslie commented. " No faults and a time of...45.8 seconds! "

Briggs smiled as he patted Thunders neck. The gelding was panting slightly, but not completely out of breath, showing just how much Briggs had worked with him on endurance.

I walked Omega beside Briggs as he let Thunder stretch out.

" That was a great round " I whispered once we were out of earshot from Leslie.

Briggs wiped his forehead with the back of his glove, smiling. " You mean, it was a great start that you saw before you zoned out... " he teased.

I blushed. he could read me like a book and sometimes, it was embarrassing.

" Thinking about Kinswood? "

I nodded. " Actually, I was thinking about Kinswood... "

He raised a brow.

" You have so much skill Briggs, and you're so good with horses, especially stronger horses like Thunder. You could apply for a late acceptance and I garnet you'll get in! " I explained.

He chuckled. " Thanks Mia, but honestly, for this summer, I'd rather stay here... "

' With Amelia... ' My mind thought before I scolded it.

" It's nothing against you Mia. I'm just not sure I'm ready for the level of competition there and the tough coaching...its a lot of pressure... "

As we circled back to join the group, I though about what Briggs had said. Kinswood brought in riders from all over the globe who were probably focused, tough competitors who barely did anything fun like go trail riding or have camp outs like we did here. Not only was I only able to go to Kinswood because I had received a scholarship, but would I also be able to put up with the level of riding and competition? Would Omega? Or would it stress the both of us out?

Kinswood Academy: Jumping PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now