Chapter 10:

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" Come on! You're riders! Not boxers! Now give each other some space! "

Omega shook her head and squealed as Classy practically galloped past us and cut directly in front of us.

" Easy girl... " I rubbed her neck to calm her as I gently halted her. She shook her head and pinned her ears back.

I could tell Leslie was getting frustrated by her tone of voice. " Everyone bring your horses into the! "

I shuddered when she snapped at us. Leslie hardly ever got really mad at her riders, but when she did, even Amelia got nervous.

I let Omega stretch as I halted her in between Thunder and Ginger.

Briggs shot me a nervous look, which I returned. The last time Leslie got this mad at us was when Amelia had cut me off just before a triple combo of jumps. She had banned Amelia and I from riding for two weeks and we had to clean the stalls together. It may have possibly been the worst two weeks of my life.

Leslie crossed her arms as she looked at each of us one by one. I was sweating and so was Omega from our flatwork lesson. Leslie had made us collect and extend our strides in walk, trot and canter, which was one of the things Omega struggled most with.

" Can someone please explain to me why my advanced group of riders are suddenly acting like beginners? " Leslie crossed her arms. " We have a show in less than a month, a show that-need I remind you, will bring new riders and horses to this barn... "

I bit my lip as I looked down. Leslie was right. The stable was struggling enough with clients as it is, and seeing our group of riders competing and winning at shows was one of the only things that brought in new riders. 

If my dad was still alive...we would have people lined up for months wanting to train with him. People said he had a way with horses...and riders. He made them feel confident.

It was one of the things I missed most about him.

Leslie sighed, which pulled me from my memories.

" I didn't want to tell you all this because I thought I could fix the problem...but Afton Farms isn't pulling in as much money as we used to...and I'm afraid...I'm going to have to sell... "

I couldn't stop my mouth from practically falling open. Sell? Leslie couldn't sell! This farm was my home! It was Omegas home! If she sold the barn then I wouldn't be able to keep Omega boarded in exchange for chores! And then...then I'd have to sell her...

I shook my head. " You can't sell Leslie! "

Everyone turned to look at me and I felt tears prick my eyes.

Leslie frowned. " I'm sorry Mia...but I just can't afford to keep this place running without more borders... "

I grit my teeth. " This... " I suddenly turned to Amelia. " This is all your fault! You're so jealous of me getting into Kinswood that you got your dad to pull away his sponsorship with us! "

Amelia rolled her eyes. " You blame everyone but yourself're the one leaving the barn! "

I froze. 

Was she right?

Was all of this my fault? 

Because I was leaving for Kinswood?

I could feel tears well up in my eyes and make their way down my cheeks.

Ignoring everyone else arguing with each other, I turned Omega around and kicked her into a canter, towards the arena fence.

I could hear Leslie shout at me to stop, but I didn't.

I lifted out of the saddle as Omega soared over the five foot fence, landing on the grassy side. I kicked her on, until she was at a full gallop and headed straight into the woods.

If Leslie sold the barn, I would lose Omega, and she was all I had left that connected me to my dad.

If going to Kinswood meant that when I returned in the fall that Omega would be taken away.

Then Amelia could have my scholarship....

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