Chapter 9:

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The next day at school I barely talked to anyone, Briggs included. I was too focused on researching everything I could about Kinswood. I looked up past students, reviews from past coaches and, most importantly, the virtual tour of one of their show jumping courses. It looked very tricky, but accomplishable. The course consisted of two double combos, a triple combo, a triple bar, an open water jump, a bunch of oxers and tall verticals. Basically the course included every single type of jump you see in show jumping, and that was only one course.

I spent my English class drawing a course diagram instead of copying down the notes, ignoring Amelia and her snarky comments about the video, which had apparently gone viral now, but after that imaginary talk with dad last night, I could care less about how far the video had travelled.

After school I sped through my barn chores and left my homework on my bed for later.

I spent the time before my lesson setting up an exact copy of the Kinswood course. Since our lesson today was only light flatwork, I could spend some time going over the course with Omega afterwards.

I had Omega groomed, tacked and warming up in the arena before anyone else had even shown up.

Omega and I were in perfect sync and I even had her going around the arena in a nice frame. I circled her around the course, letting her eye the jumps so she could get used to them. Her ears perked when we circled close to a few of the verticals, but she didn't flinch.

By the time the others and Leslie showed up in the arena, I had Omega walking on a loose rein to give her a break.

Leslie smiled and nodded at me. " Being early is a virtue... " she spoke, her voice echoing across the whole arena.

I smirked as Amelia passed by on Classy. " Why don't you make a video about that? " I challenged.

She glared and kicked Classy forward into a trot.

Briggs walked Thunder by me and smiled. " I see the old Mia is back "

I nodded, smiling back. " Yes she is, and she's here to stay... "

" Are we on for trail riding after? "

My face fell, I had totally forgotten about my rain check on our trail ride.

" ...Another raincheck? " Briggs spoke.

I suddenly felt guilty. " ...I'm so sorry...I was so busy setting up this Kinswood practise course I- "

He held up a hand, but a warm smile spread across his face. " Not a problem, I get wanting extra practise, especially since summer is almost here "

I smiled sadly. "'re not mad? "

He shook his head. " No way! I totally get it! Just promise me we'll get to go on a trail ride before you leave? "

I held out my hand for him to shake. " Deal! "

" Ugh, seriously, get a room... " Amelia spoke as she passed by us.

" Enough chit-chat! " Leslie stopped me before I could say something back. " Mia, you may be warmed up, but Briggs isn't... "

I blushed.

Briggs chuckled quietly. " You heard the warden, stop distracting me... "

I mock gasped. " Me...distract you...never! "

We laughed before he trotted Thunder away.

While I continued to wait for everyone to warm up, Amelia halted Classy close to Omega. Too close...

" You two are so cute...too bad you're abandoning him for Kinswood... " She fake pouted. " Oh but don't worry! I'll be here to keep him company... "

I didn't bother to come up with a reply, instead staring straight ahead at the course set up in the middle of the arena.

" I've been reading some of the comments on the video. I think some previous Kinswood students commented as well...saying they...what was it...couldn't stop LOLing? " She giggled.

I sighed. " If they were Kinswood students, they wouldn't comment that... " I turned to her. " Because Kinswood students are mature and skilled riders...unlike you... " I smirked and pushed Omega into a trot, circling her around Classy and Amelia.

" Now I suggest you warm wouldn't want Leslie to call you out again...would you? "

Amelia's smirking face fell. She turned to look ahead and kicked Classy into a speedy canter, almost cutting off Greg and Ginger.

Like I said, Mia Dante was done being the good girl.

Until I went to Kinswood...this thing between Amelia and I

It was war....

Kinswood Academy: Jumping PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now