Chapter 5

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'The Baccas sleeping.' He had said.Mitch killed Jerome.His best friend.I highly doubted he had a cold when he chose to stay behind.It was silent.I couldn't do this.I wouldn't hurt them they were my friends.What happened to Mitch.I thought to myself.

What happened to you Ty. I heard a voice in my head speak it was oddly familiar.It was Seto.Seto? I asked confused. Err....yes Ty you see Adam wanted me to send you a message and I overheard your thoughts.He paused and then said. Sorry. Oh he better be.

How much did you over hear? I asked him nervous.The part about something being wrong with Mitch.Are you still in the End?He asked.Yes. I replied. Whys Mitch there? He asked. Dunno I replied back.Is he atleast ok? He asked worriedly.No and check his room. I said, waiting for a reply.Why?He asked. Just do it! I screamed.What is wrong with Mitch?He asked He's an Ender. "I prefer the term Ender Mitch Ty."He said smiling.He heard everything.Crap.I broke into a run towards the portal.He was smiling at me.I ran through and jumped through the portal.


Seto had been trying to reach Ty,I didn't know how though.We were forced to wait.Till he spoke."I got through."He said looking nervous.He waited a couple minutes and said."We need to check Mitch's room.Now."He said urgently."Why he's up there taking care of Jerome?"Setos expression worried me.

"I lost Ty."I swore.And started to head upstairs.Jason and Seto behind me.

"Hey Seto?"I asked


"What Ty say?"

"To check Mitch's room.He said something was wrong with him."That can't be right.The door was locked.I pulled out my keys.And opened the door.I gasped in surprise on the bed Was a body surrounded by blood.Not just any body.Jerome Mitch's best friend.Mitchs butter sword in his back.I looked at Seto he was as white as a ghost." can't be true..."Seto muttered.Jason was standing by the wall there was something written on the wall in blood.It read this.

Sacrifice all to him

It was all caps written in blood. Jerome's blood."Adam?"Seto asked.He rarely ever called me that anymore.But, I allowed it."Ty says...that Mitch is an Ender."All I could do was Stare.


I ran inside.I looked at myself I was normal again.No time.I ran out."Guards seal these doors in diamond!Now!"I shrieked they came to me."Deadlox sir are you sure.."

"Yes!And it's an order from second in command I suggest you don't hesitate." I heard banging on it already.They nodded and started to lock Mitch in.Thank Notch.I now had some more time.I ran upstairs to see they were in his room.I was only half surprised when I saw the body."ADAM!SETO!JASON!"I screamed causing them to turn around.Seto glanced at my right arm and noticed the mark on my hand which had now turned black.He walked forward.Adam noticed it to because he said."Ty what happened to your hand?"

"Ty you me talk now"Seto spoke I followed him to his room.It was a hot mess potions and books were lying everywhere."Dude first off how do you even sleep?"He sighed "Ty focus please."I was at the shelves most of them weren't English but some were but looked to old to be.Probably written in dragon."Hey is this English?"I said holding up the book.

"No.Ty don't touch anything!"

"Why?"He face palmed as I began to flip through the stuff.It had pictures of ender stuff in it when I flipped through the pages.He snatched the book from me and placed it on the shelf.

"Ty!I didn't bring you in here for no reason."He said obviously annoyed.

"Then why am I here?"

"I know what happened in the End Ty I'm not stupid."He knew about Enderlox.

"Well good because you have a strong aura."The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them and I felt myself smiling my claws came out and he backed up slowly.

"Ty?Snap out of it!"He pushed me into the wall and I snapped back to normal.

"Come on now!"

"Ok ok jeez Seto calm down sheesh."I felt ok.I really did.But I sensed something about Seto he had a strong feeling around him.Do it Ty.EndStone hissed at me.No!Not Seto anyone but him.He's a target Enderlox."Dont call me That!"I screamed out loud.Which gave me a very confused look from Seto.He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You ok Ty?"I nodded

"Help."I whispered and I fell down I felt incredibly weak.If you won't kill him I'll do it for you. NO! DONT YOU DARE HURT HIM END STONE!Fine.He hissed and I felt my self break free.

"Ty?Are you ok?"I nodded.

"Please do what you can to help."

"It won't be pretty."I grabbed the collar his shirt and yanked him in the air.

"Seto do it I don't care."I dropped him realising I'd probably hurt him.He led me to a dark room made of cobblestone.There was a small bed made of stone and some weird machines and crap scattered everywhere on stone benches or tables.

"Lie down."He instructed.I did and I was chained to the table.

"What's all this for?"I asked as he hooked my palm up to a machine and stoke a needle into my right arm near the scratch.

"Ty?"He said shakily.

"Yeah Seto?"

"I'm so sorry."He whispered.Before he hit something.I felt an overwhelming sense of pain course through my body before I blacked out.

Havering fun with the cliffhangers :P

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