Chapter 29

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What have I done!Sky please wake up Oh notch what do I do!I moved a price of hair out of his face revealing his face. he looked like the little kid i'd met so long ago.He still was.I felt a tear streak my face.I felt a hand on my shoulder -Jason.I let out a low growl.I was human form so it startled him.I felt for a pulse.It was getting slower.Seto came over.

"I can heal him if you move"He said to me I nodded and dropped sky gently on the soft grass.

"Sky..."I let my voice trailed off.Seto pulled out a book and began to start stuff.

"Deid sah sarua sohw eno eht ni efil eht erotser dnim rof dnim traeh rof traeh lous rof lous!"He said."LEAH!"He said and Sky's skin glowed for a moment and his eyes fluttered open.His eyes were all jacked up at first like plain white.

"Sky!"Seto held me back.I resisted the urge.Without thinking I spoke.

"Nruter!"I said and he flashed to life.His eyes now butter again.Seto looked at me in shock.


"Don't test your luck young sorcerer."A dark voice spoke then I realised-It was speaking through me.EndStone?I asked no response.I felt like a grip released me.I started panting and tried to catch my breath.

"Ty!"Sky said.And I could see a faint scar in the tear in his shirt.

"I-I-I-I'm-F-F-F-Ine"I said in between breaths.Sky stood up next to me.

"Everything ok?"He asked.

"Y-e-a-h."I said I felt really light headed.

"Ty?You need to sit down right now."Seto said-he had his face hidden in his cloak.

"N-n-n-o."I said.

"Then I suggest you morph."He said.I looked at the sky-the sun was setting I sighed.I pulled out my stone and took a few steps back.I started to feel immense pain come from my body.I screamed.

"TY!"Sky ran forward but I motioned for him to stay back.I felt a small pinch in my neck before I blacked out.


"TY!"I screamed and ran towards him.He motioned for me to stay back-I backed up in surprise.Thats when we heard it.I saw a needle with a strange looking liquid hit Ty in the neck.He immediately slumped over.

"DEADLOX!"I yelled.I tried to move forward but Seto held me back.

"ALL OF YOU STICK TOGETHER AND HEAD NORTH!"Seto screamed.They all wondered of.

"The other 3-"I began.

"One can teleport two can fly and one can be there in millow seconds."I nodded

"What should I-"That's when his eyes snapped open.They were a bright-bright-bright purple.An evil looking smile crossed his gaze.

"Ty?"I asked and he came closer to me his sword out.I looked at him.His smile faded and he fell to the ground.He grabbed his head.

"Huh."He said feeling his neck he pulled out a syringe he looked inside then his eyes lit up in fear he threw the syringe at a tree it shattered into a million pieces.

"What was that?"I asked confused.

"Hayley..."He muttered and stood up.I grabbed his hand but he jerked away.He scratched my hand on accident.

"AHHHH!"I screamed it felt like my hand was burning.I looked at it and it looked like it was melting off I felt like acid had just touched my hand.

"We have to start being serious guys!"Deadlox said-Ty said I reminded myself.

"LEAD THE WAY DUMBASS!"Nick shouted and the 3 of them burst through the bushes-as Ty liked to call them the idiot crew.

"Yeah Ty-were are we going."Vilde said.

"I'm confused as well."Ashlee said leaning up on a tree.

"No offense Ty but your really uncoordinated."Terri said.

"All right all right."Ty said."Can we all just ignore the idiot crew-I do have a plan sorta."

"IDIOT CREW!"Hallie said now sounding pissed.

"Oh nether no here we go again."Emma said rolling her eyes.Hallie grabbed Ty by the collar she summoned a sword and held it up to Ty's throat.She slowly lifted in the air.

"Now listen up 'dragon boy.'"She said." I have not waited almost 2 billion years to help an ignorant smart ass save the world."She sounded really pissed."So I suggest you get your shit in order"She dropped him instinctively and grabbed her head.

"Well I'll make a mental note not to fuck with her anymore."Ty said.


Ok so I almost got strangled to death by a fucking 8th grader!I had a plan and I needed to get to the mountain fast whoever I was supposed to find was in there I could feel it.But I needed to hurry I almost lost it after the incident with the syrum.She was trying to stop me.And I'd almost hurt Sky.I had scratched him which was really really bad from what I understand-But why was his hand burning.You are so ignorant Ty.EndStone said. Gee, thanks! I said sarcastically and growled.The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.Ok so that's an expression used for kids and parents.OH!!He means. Aren't Herobrine and Enderman enemies? I asked.Yes that's why his bodies rejecting the virus-It will give him grave pain.I didn't like the sound of that.You must hurry young one.He said.The clock is ticking fast.EndStone said.I didn't like the sound of that.Sky grabbed his hand it was bleeding really bad.

"Sky you okay buddy?"I asked.He just held his hand closer to him.

"Fine."He muttered.Someone was acting weird.


My head felt weird.Really weird I grabbed on to my hand tighter-like that would help with the headache.Give in Adam.Herobrine said.Call me what I really am-Son.He said.You are n-o-t m-y d-a-d.Its like my words were glitching.I felt a searing pain in my right arm.

"SKY!"Ty said running forward

And then-


Yes I'm being that person right now.Sorry I would've posted earlier but-Ok I honestly don't have an excuse I was slacking off and watching adventure time all weekend I just kept saying.Oh I'll update later-here I am 78 episodes later.So ummm here's the chapter im sorry I slacked I haven't watched the dang thing in over a year and I'm really far behind so...But yeah I got this chapter posted.And what happens to Sky?Find outing the next chapter of just a little scratch.Ok sorry today I also finished watching an anime that did the outro like that-You know what I'm way to ADD-OH MY FUCKING gosh there's a butterfly outside my window-A butter colored one to its got pretty majestic wings and it flies so amazing-I'm signing off now

Anyways night peeps-ShadzM-Like no joke ITS SO BOOTIFUL!!!!OH YEAH I WANNA THANK YOU GUYS FOR OVER 4OOO READS LIKE OH MY GOSH!thx everyone of you peeps -ShadzM.

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