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I came because I love you Ty.Rung in my head.What the nether did that mean?Adam had now turned red.And was sitting on top of a stump staring at the ground.

"You what?"I asked absolutely shocked What the Nether Adam?I sware at the worst times possible he pulls this crap.

"I...I..."It was obvious he was embarrassed.I sighed and sat down.

"Can you heal him?"I asked Seto trying to change the subject.Ty you can't just change the subject like that.Seto messaged me.I shot him a death glare.

"Not now."I growled in annoyance-I really couldn't help it.Sky's head shot up.I glanced at Seto even he looked at me weird.

"What?"I finally asked really annoyed by now.

"Did you just...growl?"Sky asked.

"No duh!"I said I was kinda annoyed with him.

"It was only question."

"Words are powerful."I mumbled.I looked up at the sky.Great it was almost night time.I felt a sudden pain surge up my arm as a claw extended.

"I'll be right back." I mumbled and ran off towards the woods.I could hear Sky screaming.

"TY!WAIT!"I just kept running.More pain shot through me.I tripped on a loose branch and fell.My arm was sliced open on a loose branch.I winced in pain.Sky who I hadn't realized caught up to me kneeled down beside me.

"TY!"He lifted my arm and saw the oddly colored blood.A tear streaked his face,

"It's ok just go."I said and he hesitated.

"Ty I don't...I don't want to leave you."

"ADAM!JUST GO!"I felt my fangs come out.I winced in pain and rolled over.My claws popped out.I screamed at the immense pain from my back as the wings pushed out.I stared at my arm in horror to watch the cut seal up right in front of me.I could heal?

"TY!YOUR BLEEDING!"I stood up-involuntarily-And felt a grin spread across my face.EndStone!I shrieked annoyed.And felt my smile fade.I leaned back on the tree feeling exhausted.

"I'm fine Adam."I muttered.

"Yah now you are-What the Nether just happened?"I felt a signal from nearby-The last one!I thought excitedly.I extended my wings and Sky shot me a look.

"Ty don't you dare.."

"Sorry Adam be right back."I smiled at him and I lifted off.But I was yanked down and saw he'd grabbed onto my left foot(#Tysleftfoot)I glared at him.

"Take me with you."He said sternly. Oh Notch really Adam?I rolled my eyes.

"Adam let go."I said really annoyed.

"Take me with you."He said again.I got slightly more agitated.

"Adam let go of My leg!"

"No!Take me with you!"He exclaimed. I heard a rustling in the bushes and Seto walked in.

"Adamw!"I said as he yanked me down.

"Ty he's not gonna let go."Seto said.

"Why!"I exclaimed.

"Take me with you Ty!Please."He agin said please in that way.Notch Adam...

Seto mouthed the words No to me.And I looked at Adam.

"Fine."His face lit up.

"TY!"Seto exclaimed and I picked Adam up.

"Sorry Seto meet you back here soon."

Seto looked up at us really Pissed off as I flew higher.

"Where are we going?"He asked after a few minutes.I was following the sense. And I landed on top of a tree.There was a boy with long blonde hair that covered his face.He wire jeans and a baggy blue T shirt.His eyes were closed.

Perfect.I smiled this was too easy. EndStone can I have a sword?I asked and to my surprise an obsidian sword with wings that were separated to look like a dragon and an eye of ender in the center with a black obsidian hilt and blade.It looked kinda cool.Sky was looking at the sword in aw.Thanks. I said.It is yours.The sword belongs to your race.Its name is DragonEyes treat it well.I looked at the sword.It looked old.I looked down at the boy.He looked young I'm assuming 14.I swooped down.And kneeled by the body.I raised my sword and heard a scream.I turned my head to see a familiar face.Dawn.

Hey guys ShadowM456 here and I finally got this chapter posted sorry it was short.It took forever to write.And I'd just like to thank you guys.This book has over 300 Reads!Thank you so much.Night peeps(Even though it's like 12:00pm where I am.Now here's what I'm gonna do.Who wants to be in this book?Comment or message me with the following.

Name(Username or Real IDC)


Skin(What you look like)

Abilities(Like if you have a sword or powers stuff like that.)Anways Night peeps

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