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I bolted for the window.Someone-something was behind me.Just ignore itI extended my wings and flew towards the forest.Sky!I called out for him.I looked around.AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!I got as a reply.Yep definitely Sky.Its Ty you dumbass.I said.

"Ty!I don't see you anywhere!"I heard a voice speak from a distance.No you dumb ass!I said and growled-Notch he was stupid.Wait so your in-my head?He said.Im speaking to you-look where the Nether are you? I asked annoyed.

Wait so can you like read my mind? Idiot.Yeah but not right now-plus I doubt I'd here anything.I said.Hey!He said pissed.I laughed.I landed.I saw him on the ground.

"Where's Jason?"I asked.

"I don't know he went really far ahead."Sky said. Then added."Can you like never do that again?"He asked-I wonder why it bothered him so much.

"I'll try not to but if it's an emergency."

"I understand."He sighed.Seto!I tried but couldn't pick up anything.I sighed.

What happens when sorcerers start dark magic.

"I finally found you Ty."The voice was Setos.He hid in the shadows.

"SETO!"I said.Wait impressed why?

"Something's wrong with you."I said and picked up in a change of his aura.

"Seto are you ok?"Sky asked picking up on my nervousness.

"Seto step out into the light."I said.He shook his head.

"Seto."I said more angered."I can and will make you."I said.He sighed and threw back his hood.I saw an array if strange scars and white markings.One in particular caught my eye.On his forehead he had the same marking that was on his hands.But they glowed bright white.He had all sorts of scars that weren't there before.His eyes were a different color-bright yellow.

"Oh my Notch Seto..."I started

"I know it's a bad sign but I'm still gonna help you."He announced.

"And why didn't you tell me this ahead

Of time?"I asked

"It wouldn't have mattered."He said

"We could've helped we could've-"

"No Ty don't blame yourself for this."

He pulled his hood back up."Lets get going."

"I don't know and frankly I don't trust EndStone."Why?I heard EndStone speak.I dunno maybe it's kinda YOU TOOK CONTROL OF MY HEAD!I said. It was the potion who ever drinks it is put under a certain influence.He said so god damn calmly.Then who was controlling me.I said.I needed to speed up the process so you could use them better.He said a I growled-outloud. What am I supposed to do?I asked pissed.Locate the remaining team for your quest 9 remain.He said.Yah I know I can fucking count!I said.The sorcerer and the boy are required as well along with the two at the castle.He said.Oh Notch he meant Mitch and Jerome didn't he.Yes I do mean those two.Oh Notch no...Do they know?I asked.Yes.He told me.

"Well that's fucking great!"I said sarcastically.I then growled.This was so stupid.


"We need to find 9 people-and we need Mitch and Jerome."

"Oh Notch no!"Sky said

"Let's go!"I said.And pointed DragonEyes forward.And marched off towards my senses.


Oh Notch-QUIT THINKING ABOUT HIM YOU DUMBASS.Ty oh Ty.Why the Nether can't I get him out off my mind.Its the past couple days he's all I thought about.Like even the most basic things will make me blush.I felt my cheeks heat up.DAMMIT ADAM CONTROL YOUR FUCKING EMOTIONS!

"Hey Sky!"Deadlox said.It was like I got slapped in the face.

"Wha?"I asked confused.

"I asked you a questoin-So are you sure you don't remember anything from the other day?"He said.I did it was blurry.

"It's really blurry..."I said.

"What do you remember?"

"Idk something with you and these purple eyes, butter being called a g word-It's really blurry."I said he snickered.

"You'd flip if you remembered who said the damn word."He said.Who?I'm not telling you.He said in my head.

"I SAID STOP!"I said annoyed with him.Maybe I don't wanna.He said and I glared at him he shrugged.And smiled.

"But it's so much fun!"He protested.

"Ty your going to kill us all by being annoying."Seto said sounding pissed.Ty laughed and smiled showing off his fangs-that could bite anything. He could kill anything on the spot anyone.And everything was all about his unending power.

"I hear your thoughts Adam..."He said solemnly.I looked down ashamed. Thank Notch he didn't hear me earlier.

"What about earlier.What were you thinking about-"He stopped and stared at a ground ."Sky I'm still me I always will be."

"No Ty!Dont say that I could never be mad at you infact I-"Love you I wanted to say but couldn't he'd stopped reading my thoughts cause he didn't seem to notice.


"It's not important-nothing just forget it."I said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Sky your more important then saving the world to me-If something's bothering you you can tell me anything-I would never-"He stopped abruptly."Intentionally harm you."He said intentionally?

"Intentionally?"I asked.

"Yeah it's a long story-But it wasn't me I swear and that won't happen again-even them I didn't kill you."

"Actually Ty the first time you did it you actually willingly-"Ty glared at Seto and his face lit up in horror.Seto stopped talking."Sorry."He muttered. What did he say?

"I have time Ty."I said sitting down.He growled.


"I want to know."I said curious.

"Fine I guess sooner or later i'd have to tell you."

"Go."I said and he sat down in the grass.

"Well you see-one of my powers is I can control things and i'd been missing and I couldn't explain where I'd been so I sorta jacked up your memory for two days-and you were stuck in a trance for that period of time too-I'm really sorry Adam I don't know what got into me."I was confused so I just nodded.

"Ty I'm not mad."I then refinished what he was saying?Oh so?Accidents happen no big deal.

"Wait what!But I tried to-"

"And you did but the fact that you feel this bad about it proves where your loyalty lies"His jaw dropped.

"Adam I'm sorry."I love you.I wanted to say so bad.Why the Nether am I only thinking like that-HE DOESNT LIKE LIKE ME!Like like what am I an immature middle schooler?

"you ok your an apple again."Jason said and Ty laughed I laughed nervously.

"Oh I'm fine."I said.

"Sky you can tell me what's wrong."I heard scream in the distance.Dawn.I ran after it.

"SKY WAIT!"But it was too late I was already to far gone.


Thank Notch I got this done.Here enjoy.Ummm sorry my internees been a little weird cuz of tornadoes and shiz so I haven't gotten access to upload the chapter.Anyways Night peeps-ShadzM.

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