Chapter 6

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Cover made by @celinaknight!! Thank you soo much, love!! It is beautiful!! xoxo

Niall Horan as Niall/Nialler. ;) 


I entered my office with Niall trailing behind me. He sat down in front of me as I settled on my chair. "We need to tighten up the security, Sammy", Niall said. Me and him go a long way back. We are best buddies but, in front of the gang, he is my 2nd in command and I am his Boss. We believe in not mixing our personal lives with the professional.

"Tightening up the security won't do any good, Nialler," I said as I poured some Whiskey for us. "The one's who are gonna betray, will betray us. The loyal one's will stay loyal no matter what." Niall raised his eyebrows at me in a mocking way. "Philosophy doesn't suit you, The. Mafia. Boss. Samuel. Cahill," he said with a smirk on his lips. "And surely mimicry does not suit you, Nialler," I said with an eyebrow raised in challenge. "Alright, back to business, Sam. What are we going to do about that fucking Gregorio?," Niall asked, his playful mood gone in a second. "You always have to be the mood killer. Anyway, find about Gregorio's recent whereabouts and activities. Search who is he working with at present and for what. Find me anything that can be used against him." I said, coming back to business mode.

"Sure thing Sammy. Consider it done. I have to go now, our clubs are waiting for me to come to check up on them," Niall said with a wink. Apart from the Mafia business, we both, along with James, Daniel and Alex, own Nightclubs around UK and Ireland. We use them as the cover up places for our business.

"Niall, you don't have to go there everyday. I think our men are at least capable of guarding a place. If anything happens, they will call us. Moreover, James, Daniel or Alex are there to look after them for at least a day." I said to him while scanning his tired face. He smirks at me and says," Aww, is Sammy boy going soft on me?" he says with a laugh. "Don't worry bro, I am a pretty tough son of a bitch. I go to these clubs everyday because I know how they work and what is happening in each and every one of them. The guys don't know much, and moreover,it is easier this way." Niall says as, he gives a detailed explanation to me.

 I look at him, as pride fills me up for my best friend. He was always the sensible and the responsible one. "Alright Nialler, do your thing. I will not interfere. But along with work, make sure to take some rest. You know our gang won't survive a day without you."  "Don't worry dude. I know my limits of how much my body can handle and, if anyone was to hear you now, they would have a very different perspective about us," Niall says with a laugh. "Chill bro, the gang  knows that I only go soft on you," I say with a wink. "Dude, you seriously need a girl in your life. I do not want to be a part of this Sam's convo," Niall says with a fake shudder. I laugh and throw a paper weight towards him. "Bugger off now, you idiot," I say. He raises his glass as a toast and gulps it down in one shot. I amusingly raise my eyebrows at him. "Aye aye Boss! Your wish, my command!," Niall says with a mock salute followed by his signature smirk. I shake my head at him while he goes for his work.

I start doing the work that was left incomplete. I don't even realize it's been hours since I was working and it's already night.

As I was about to get up for some food my cell rings up. I check the caller. It's Niall. I instantly know what the call was about.

"Yes Nialler, please tell me some good news." I say as I pick up the phone. He laughs at the other end and says, "Guess who is Ireland Sammy? Fucking Gregorio! He is in Dingle, one of our men saw him last night in our club there. My best guess is that he still does not know about Mark. We can leave now if you want." "That bastard! Yes, get the jet ready. Inform James, Daniel and Alex about this. Tell them to meet us at the jet in an hour. I still have some work to do. I will too meet you up there in an hour." I say to him. "Sure Sammy, I'll inform the guys." say's Niall. "Good job Nialler. I will treat you once we get this over with Gregorio." I say in a teasing way. "Sure thing Sammy. It's a date then. Better remember your promise." Niall says with a fake aww in his voice. "Haha, sure Nialler. It's a date. Now get going, i'll meet you at the jet." I say to him. He laughs and ends our call.

"Gregorio, you fucking bastard, you will be dead meat once I get my hands on you." I think as I sit my chair.

That is all for this chapter guys!! Hope you all like it!
Thank you all for the love and reads!! You guys are amazing!! LOVE YOU ALL!! HAPPY READING!! xoxo

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