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You made it through all of the boring pre-actual book shit! Congratulations!

Now you finally get to read my book which you guys will hopefully like!

Now let's get on with the book!!!!


When I was little, my Mom and I loved the rain.

The way the rain formed puddles that my little feet could stomp in, the way everyone in the park would run and seek shelter indoors while my mom and I squealed with glee and danced around in the rain, always placed a smile on my face.

The rain always washed away the painful memories of the past and brought new hope to me, rain is the signal that a new story was starting and that new memories were about to form.

Even though my Mom doesn't play in the rain anymore because of status and reputation, I always run out onto my balcony whenever I see a raindrop.

My friends always called me crazy for playing in the rain especially tonight.

"Izzy, I just got a blow-out today, I'm not stepping out of this building"One of my best friends, Melanie Alves exclaimed.

I pouted at her and turned to her boyfriend, Carter Reynolds but before I could say anything he shakes his head at me and lets out a firm "No."

"B-but Carter it's raining."I gesture out to the rain and pleaded with him.

"I don't care Izzy, I don't want to smell like a wet dog."He says and I roll my eyes at him.

I look over to my best friend in the whole wide world and smile tentatively.


Elliot looks up from his iPhone and has an are-you-kidding-me look on his face.

I roll my eyes and wave my friends off.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you people, you don't even know how to fun."I huff.

Carter looks at me as if I just smacked him.

For a good reason too, he was the partier of our school and all of Manhattan knew that. His Dad owned one of the biggest real-estate companies in the world. He also was quite popular with the ladies, with curly brown hair, a cute-ass dimple and chocolate brown eyes. He was a player and heartbreaker, but in senior year of high school, he changed.

All thanks to Melanie Alves, with wavy hair and gorgeous grey eyes, she captured his heart. Melanie has been my friend since diapers, Elliot and Carter both. Her mother was the developer and owner of Alves Labs. One of the leading companies in technology and science.

I honestly don't know what changed between Carter and Melanie but with a couple of fights, heart-breaking tears, and insane jealousy they got together.

Melanie snorts at me."You're at a party and you want to go and play in the rain, Isabella Covington have I taught you anything. Go flirt with some boys, make out a little, and celebrate. We finally graduated and left that hellhole."She waves her hands around enthusiastically.

The party was how you would imagine any high-school party was, but it was more extravagant and amazing.

Probably due to the fact that it was only attended by a bunch of Upper East Siders.

Carter's eyes narrow at me."You won't flirt with any boys, you'll stand next to Elliot like a good girl. Boys are disgusting Izzy."He warns me and I roll my eyes at him.

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