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Day 2

Slowly, my eyes opened, but black dots quickly filled my vision. Confused, I shut my eyes tightly and my head beings to throb. I felt hungover and I groaned at the pain. I snuggled more deeply into my blanket, gripping my pillow closer to me.

As soon as I finally relaxed memories started to fill my head like a nightmare, only I was awake.

The kidnapper with the threatening voice.

The gun which he planned to shoot everyone in the park with.

The dangerous emerald eyes.

I bolted straight up like I was struck by a lightning bolt. I rub my head to ease my headache, but it didn't work. My eyesight was slowly clearing up and I observed the room the room I was in.

It looked like a room straight out of the seventies with a weird-designed carpet and disgusting wallpaper. The room had two beds, one was empty with messed up sheets and the other one was mine.

The last thing I could remember was my kidnapper placing a cloth over me, from my knowledge from movies I guessed that it was probably chloroform. My kidnapper was nowhere to be seen and from the looks of outside, it was a beautiful day and I could escape easily if I want to.

As I leap off my bed with a newfound motivation,  I sprint to the door leading out to the hallway As my fingertips touch the doorknob, the door to the bathroom creaked open and my kidnapper steps outside. I could feel my knees going weak with fear and anxiousness as his emerald eyes gaze over me.

His face was astonishing.

He had an extremely well-defined jaw that looked like it was carved by God. His nose was long and slender, it's the kind of nose that instantly made you want to get a nose job. His plump and pink lips were pulled into a smirk at the sight of me. He was like an Adonis and I could feel my heart going into overdrive at his level of attractiveness. 

His face was cleanly shaven and his hair was wet, making his captivating eyes stand out even more due to his darker hair color.

He was wearing a simple white t-shirt with black jeans, but I honestly think that he couldn't look any better.

"Hi."I manage to squeak out in front of this Adonis.

"Were you trying to leave?"He questions, amusement dancing around in his eyes as I tried to ignore his bulging biceps as he crossed his arms.

The keyword is tried.

As I mentioned before, I don't have a great experience with talking to guys. I get flustered and end up blushing a lot, it took me ten minutes to get out a coherent sentence on my first date.

Even though this man was my kidnapper, he was still extremely handsome. He held an intimidating stance and his posture reeked of confidence and arrogance, something that I rarely have.

"N-no?"I manage to get out and I feel a heat traveling up my neck.

The man just nods and thankfully ignores my blush, he begins to leave and my mind suddenly awakens with a fire full of curiousity.

"Hey wait! Where are we? What am I even doing here? Who are you?"I question but I avoid looking into in trance-setting eyes.

He swiftly turns around on his heels and gives me a warning look."Again with the questions? Don't try to escape me again. Now go get ready in the bathroom, I have an exciting day planned for us."He gives me a small mischevious smirk before stepping out the room.

I almost scream out in frustration. I hate it when people don't tell me anything.

And what does he mean by fun? I'm almost certain that he was sadistic and was planning on torturing me.

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