Valdimir's Cheshire Cat

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The young half vampire Vladimir Tod awoke from the sound of a buzzing fly above him. The annoying pest hovered and genitally landed on top of his friend’s, henry, forehead. Vlad raised his hand and looked at the pestering horse fly, “Don’t think I won’t do it.” The fly continued to clean its self.

With a loud slap that echoed throughout the teenager’s room, henry shot straight up and cupped his forehead. “Dude!” he spoke.

“There was a fly,” he said innocently.

Henry rubbed his pained head. “Did you at least get it?”

“Yeah I think so,” Vald responds as the fly, living and annoying just as before, flew past his face.

Vald tries to apologizes, but is cut off by Henry, “I smell bacon.”

Both of the boys jumped out of bed and rand down the stairs to the kitchen, where the delicious smell of greasy pork strips originated from. For Henry this was the calling to get up from bed, but there was other smells among the bacon that attracted Vald. The smell of fresh cinnamon rolls and a warm mug of O-positive blood brought the boy down from his liar.

“Food,” Henry grunted.

The young human friend sat at the table and shoveled greasy strips of bacon into his mouth. Vladimir hugged Nelly as he grabs the mug of blood and a cinnamon roll.

“Deb mentioned that an entire freezer of blood is about to expire at the hospital. With your appetite lately, Vladimir, I’d better sneak out as much of it as I can.” Nelly placed some more yummy bacon in front of the hungry Henry. “You got blood all over your shirt.”

Vlad looked down at his yellow T-shirt and noticed the two red dots on it. “Sorry I was hungry,” he apologized.

“Just be more careful next time. Contrary to popular belief, laundry doesn’t top my favorite things to do list,” said Nelly.

 The two young boys looked at each other. “So did you get your schedule yet?” Henry asked his vampire friend.

“I got Mrs. Bell for English, first period,” Vlad groaned back.

“Looks like you’re not alone. I’ve got her too, and from what my mom said yesterday, so does Joss.”

“When’s your cousin supposed to here anyway?” Vlad asked.

“Sunday,” He answered, “Oh, and just so you know, don’t count on seeing me that day. My mom’s on some family togetherness kick,” He added as he rolled his eyes.

“How annoying.”

Nelly glared at him, “Vladimir!”

“I mean, how lovely of your parental figure to insist on enjoying quality time together. You should be grateful,” Vald quickly corrected his self.

Both the boys could not help but to laugh.

Nelly rolled her eyes, “All right, smart mouth. I’m going to get the mail. Henry, watch Vlad while I’m gone. He’s a trouble maker.”


Nelly smiled, “I mean he’s a wonderful boy who brightens my day and makes my life worth living.”

Vlad turned to henry which had a strange look on his face. “What?” Vlad questioned.

“Did you call Meredith yet?”

Vlad sat up straight. “Twice actually.”

“You Talk to her?”

Vlad stretched his hand out slowly and picked up his mug. From that he took a nice long drink.

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