Chapter Five: Collars

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In a dark room Tom laid staring at the ceiling thinking, thinking of that day. How a small girl that was able to boss around someone as big and bad as Bill like a small dog. How was she able to do that he thought.

He sat up and looked at the green dog collar that sat on his oak dresser. Picking it up he saw a small something he didn’t notice before. It was a silver tag and bell. On the tag was his name engraved in a beautifully printed. “She did a lot of detail on this didn’t she?” he mumbled.

He didn’t like the idea of him being a dog, but he did like the job she did on the collar. It would be a good gift for a dog owner. He put the collar back down and lays himself back on his bed staring at his ceiling once again.

After many minutes of staring he finally falls into a deep sleep. Then suddenly a figure appears out of the darkness. The figure seems to be female and she wears a short black zip up dress with a hood with cat ears and a scarf that looks like a cat paws. The hood covers most of her face only showing her grinning mouth.

She walks over to the wooden dresser and grabs the collar. She holds it gently in her hands as she walks to the sleeping Tom. Carefully she puts it on him, trying not to wake him.

She stares at him. “You know you look pretty cute when you’re sleeping,” she whispers, “who would have known that a big and bad bully sleeps like a small child.”

She leans in and kisses his him on the cheek leaving bright red lip stick behind. She gets up and walks a few steps before speaking again, softly, “And thank you for the complement on the collar, I put a lot of work into them.” Then she disappears in a black smoke cloud.

Tom awoke to the sound of his cell phone. Groggy he grabs the phone and answers. “Hello?”

“Do it’s me Bill,” the voice of his friend sounded wide awake.

Tom looks at the clock before responding. “Dude do you know what time it is? It’s almost four in the morning.”

“I know, I know, but something weird happened.”

“Like what?” Tom was a little agitated from beginning woken up.

“At about three-thirty this morning I woke up and went to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I saw the stupid dog collar on me.”

Tom seemed to be clam, until he looks to his dresser to see no collar. He quickly gets up and looks to the floor, it wasn’t there either. With his hand he reaches to his neck. His face became pale as so as his hands felt the leather of the collar.

“Tom?......Tom are you there?” Bill fanatically spoke.

Tom shook himself out of thought. “Yeah, I’m here.”

“Tom,” Bill starts, “is yours on?”


“Tom, go to your mirror.”


“Just do it.”

Tom walks over to the mirror as he is told. Once again his face becomes white. Upon his cheek sat red lipstick.

“Tom, what do you see?”


“Let me guess, red?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I had the same thing Tom.”

Tom couldn’t believe that. It seemed like something from a movie. “What’s going on?” Tom’s voice was scared and wanted answers.

Bill sighs, “I don’t know Tom, but I bet that bitch Jade has something to do with it.”

“Well I’m taking this thing off.” Tom reached once again at his neck but was interrupted by his friend.

“Don’t bother.”

Tom was confused. “Why not?”

“Because it’s impossible, I tried, but it wouldn’t come off.”

“Did you try-“ Tom was cut off.

“I tried everything, even cutting it off. It just won’t come off.”

Tom sat on his bed. “Maybe we can talk to Jade at school about it.”

“You’re damn right I’m talking to her.” Bill didn’t seem really happy.

“Hey Bill, let’s talk about this in the morning.”

Bill agreed and Tom hung up the phone as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

He couldn’t believe what was going on. He reaches for his neck again. Tugging on the collar it would move. How was this possible? He wipes away the lipstick from his cheek with the back of his hand.

“How?” he whispers into the darkness.

For the rest of the night he did not go to sleep; he was too busy thinking of the collar and Jade and how the collar got on? Never before in his life has he ever thought about a girl so much in his life.

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