Chapter Seven: Movies

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Chapter Seven: Movies

A/N: Okay let me start by saying I am so sorry it has taken me almost a year to update. You she something wiggy was going on with my computer and it wouldn’t let me do anything, not open up pictures, or open the calculator, or open up word so I was unable to continue the chapter I was in the middle of. (I later found that I stopped mid-sentence, RAWR frustration) But now I have my baby back after almost a year of it sitting around my room doing nothing but gathering dust. So I hope you don’t hate me and hope you enjoy the chapter.

“Ok now what is she thinking?” Henry asks his vampire friend while pointing to the blond in pink.

Vlad groans at his friend’s request.

“What, you were told by Otis that you need to practice your mind telepathic powers; I’m just helping you with his request.”

Vlad sighs and focus on the blond Henry pointed to before.

He takes a deep breath and reaches into the girl’s mind, ‘Man these shoes are so uncomfortable, but at least Mark will like it. Speaking of Mark, where is he? And also where’s Jessica? If they’re not he soon we’ll miss the movie. I hope I have everything. Let’s see…….wallet with money, phone on silent, and plenty of tam-“  Vlad couldn’t listen to her thoughts any longer.

He leads against the wall with his face in the palms of his hands. Henry looks to his friend with questioning eyes. “What was she thinking?”

Vlad peaks out of his hands, his expression said it all.

“I don’t want to know, do I?”

Vlad nodded.

“Was it really that bad?”

Vlad opens his mouth to tell his friend what was going through the girls mind, but was, of course, interrupted by Henry.

“Dude,” he points ahead, “It’s Jade and Sami.”

Vlad turned his head and Henry was right; it was Jade and Sami, and they looked amazing. Sami in a long black T-shirt with a silver leopard, a short leather jacket, long necklaces, dark blue skinny jeans and combat boots; while Jade is in a white lacy dress that comes right above the knees, a denim jacket with leather sleeves and biker patches all over the denim on over the girly dress (giving it a more bad ass look), a single silver necklace, and loose black boots.

Vlad looks to Henry, whose mouth is open with amazement, then back at the girls. Vlad quickly checked to make sure his mouth wasn’t hanging down like his friend. Thankfully it wasn’t.

Once the girls got to them Jade takes Vlad’s hand in hers and the foolish Henry places his arm around Sami’s shoulder, but takes it off as fast as he puts it from the sudden piecing pain by Sami’s blue painted nails.

Jade stands on her toes and kisses Vlad’s cheek’ “Hi there, been waiting long?”

Vlad smiles, “No, not really.”

“So you guys ready? We’re going to be late if we don’t go soon.” Henry says grabbing his in pain hand.

They start to walk off, but are stop by Jade, “What about Joss?”

“Yeah, what about Joss?” Sami echoed.

The boys completely forgot about Joss. Not the best way to be a good friend.

“Well, he better hurry and get,” Henry pipes up, “we’re going to miss the movie.”

Right then Vlad spots his friend with a girl in hand, a girl him and everyone there knows, Meredith. Vlad’s heart drops to the bottom of him. Joss and Meredith, why? Many questions go through his mind so fast, but it all stopped when he felt something squeezing his hand. He shook out of his train of thought. He looks down to his hand to see Jade’s pale hand holding his tightly. He followed her hand, past her silver black stone ring, up the arm, neck, than her face; her distressed face, full of only worry.

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