Chapter Six: Double Date

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The night has past and day has risen. Tom and Bill were walking to school, after they quickly snuck out so their parents didn’t see the collars upon their necks. Tom tried to hide the collar the best as they could; under a jacket that comes up to his neck. Bill on the other hand just wears his lettermen jacket; it hid the sides and back, but not the front.

“Morning Bill,” says Tom as he watches his fiend rush out the front door.

Bill did not respond to his friend. He was too focused on the problem at hand; these damn collars.  The walk to school was silent for them.

Meanwhile at Vlad’s house.

Vlad walks out the door to see his good friend Henry and Joss. “Hey guys what’s up?”

Henry quickly places his arm around Vlad. “So good to see you pal.”

Vlad removes his arm away and, in a more of a harsh tone, says, “What do you want Henry?”

Henry gasps as if he is affined. “W-why would you think that I would want something. All I was doing is talking to my best friend; having a nice conversation on this nice day, just a little chit chat with my amigo. Is this so hard to ask for?”

Vlad gave a glare to his babbling friend. “Like I said, what do you want Henry?”

Henry huffed before speaking. “So I noticed that you and Jade are, you know, kind of together.”

“Yeah, and your point?” Vlad raised his eyebrow.

“Well Jade’s best friend is Sami and I was wondering if you could put in a good word for me.” Henry gave his friend a big smile, trying to be charming.

Vlad opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a familiar voice. “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

Vlad and his guy friends turn to the direction of the voices. There in the distance walking was Jade dressed in her usual punk rocker/Goth outfit of red skinny jeans, black tank top, open leather vest, boots, and a verity of bracelets that covered about half of both her lower arms and Sami in bright blue skinny jeans, white V-neck T-shirt, short leather jacket, and what looked like brand new black and blue shoes.

Henry turns back to his friend and gives him a look, the look of Please-Vlad- Help-A-Bro-Out. Vlad rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’ll see what I can do.” Henry’s face became over flowing with joy.

Once Jade came into reaching distance of Vlad she held her arms out for a hug. Vlad realized it immediately and took her into his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck as he lifts her up. They started to gaze into each other’s eyes and before they knew it they were only a hair away from kissing. But sadly for them they were rudely interrupted by the loud and unnecessary coughing from the dark haired friend with her hands on her hips and a blonde’s arm around her shoulders.

Jade lets go of her bot toy and hides her blushing face with her hands. Sami rapidly plucked the young love struck boy’s arm off of her. “We should get going before we are late,” Sami suggests.

They all nodded and started their way to the high school. As they walk Vlad grabs the hand of his girl; intertwining his fingers with hers.  Henry tries countless times to put his arm around Sami or grabbing her hand, but never is able to quite grasp her because of her constant moving. And then there was Joss, left out of the love pack in the back all alone.

He seems to be having no problem about this, but deep down inside he feels a little left out, alone, separate, different.

There was silence for a little while, but it was broken by the voice of Jade came out. “You know,” she begun, “I was thinking.”

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