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I learned something. I do not have the patience or the SANITY to deal with Hannah. In 6th grade she was alright. The summer leading up to 7th grade she was cool. Now, she's DRIVING ME INSANE!

I promise you if I continue being friends with her I'm gonna wind up in A MENTAL HOSPITAL!

We're texting right now. She keeps saying she lost her dog named Trevor when she doesn't even own a dog. And she keeps talking about this Spicy Dragon. (Whatever that is)

And the whole time she's texting this stuff me and Nova Thorne are just planning her murder. How great are we? Answer: Very.

Before Nova called me I was just rocking back and forth, holding a pillow, and practically crying. Why you ask? Hannah said that we're gonna be friends forever and ever and ever.

Wouldn't you cry?

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:) PEACE :)


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