-Chapter 11-•

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A/N: Here's Chapter 11 I hope you enjoy it! Comment feedback or if you have any suggestions.

We have the ultrasound appointment today were gonna find out if the baby is a girl or a boy i'm not suppossed to eat anything before only water, juice or coffee but I decide not to I go in the shower and see my bruises on my legs are nearly healed but they still ache when I stand for a really long time.
When I got out Josh was already awake and I see he already took a shower he must have gone to the bathroom in the hall.
"Goodmorning gorgeous"
"Goodmorning Josh" I say as I hold my towel in place he leans close to me and kisses me.
"You want me to get you coffee or something"
"No thanks i'd prefer not to" I say
"Are you excited" He says
"Yes i'm nervous most of all"
"Today we find out if its a little Jen or a little Josh" He says with a wide smile.
"Yea today we find out what the baby is and we can do the shopping finally we'll know what colors to make it" I said
"Yes after the appointment, we'll go eat then go to the store to buy the stuff for the baby" He said
I loved when he acted like this he was excited for the baby I know I made my choice right when I decided to give us a chance to be together. I knew he was going to be the perfect husband and the perfect dad. I can already imagine him playing tea with a little girl pretending to be the king or being outside playing with a little boy.
"I love when you act this way Josh" I smirked
"Act how?" he said and leaned closer to me I could feel his breathing by my ear I felt those butterflies that I felt on day one.
"Like a dad like so mature and having yoir enduring love I just really love that about you" I smiled
"You love that about me huh?" He teased
"Stop teasing" I giggled
"I'm not teasing I was just thinking that if i'm doing a good job and being enduring then shouldn't I get a reward like I dunno like a kiss or something" He winked
"Oh yeah I forgot oops" I kissed him and kissed him until we had to come up for air and then I hugged him.
"Thanks" he smiled
"My pleasure now lets go Josh we're gonna be late"
We drove to the appointment and waited for about 10 minutes around the room there was only Josh and I and it didn't look like a clinic that much their was alot of baby toys and frames for the baby's picture and little teddy bears that record the baby's heart beat.
"Aww look Josh" I say holding the teddy bear to his face.
"Its so cute lets get it for the baby's heart beat" he smiled
"Okay" I said
The little bear was cute it was a tan bear that was furry with a little zipper so you can put the little recording of the baby's heart and the tummy was furry white.
"Ms.Lawrence" Said a nurse with a wide smile
"Room 3 please" she said
We went in the room and then we were alone we waited for about 5 minutes
"What do you want the baby to be?" said Josh
"It really dosen't matter as long as its healthy what about you?" I smiled
"Me too but I really want a girl because she'd be just like you and she'd grow up to have an amazing life and she'd know where to get advice from" He said he sounded so charming and amazing he was the best thing that ever happened to me.
"But why can't it be a boy" I grinned
"He'd be as cute and enduring as you and as compasionate and successful just like you" I said
"We-" He was cut off by the doctor
"Hi, I'm Dr.Audrey i'll be doing the ultrasound on your baby today" she said as she shook my hand then Josh's and after started putting the plastic rubber gloves and spread the gooey liquid all over my stomach and moved it with the little machine.
"Well the baby looks really healthy it seems to be really energetic"
"Just like you" said Josh
I let out a giggle.
"Is it your first baby?" she asked
"Yeah" I said
"Aw how cute Oh and theirs its head and its little arm" She said
"Okay so you guys want to know the sex of the baby right?"
"Yes please" said Josh
"Okay well let me see okay guys it seems like you've got yourself a little girl!" She said
"JEN ITS A GIRL A LITTLE JEN OH MY GOD" Said Josh as he jumped out of his chair.
I was so excited a little healthy baby girl I was going to make the baby the most happiest girl in the world.
"I'll leave you two alone" giggled the doctor.
"I'm so excited for this baby its going to be amazing marrying the women I love and and raising a beautiful child by our side" He said as he kissed me
"I love you and our baby Josh" I said as I kissed back
"I love you more"
We took the little teddy bear to the front desk and the lady put the heartbeat recording it the belly and got the ultrasound pictures of the baby.
I honestly couldn't wait for this baby to be in my arms and to be married and happy with Josh the wedding was tommorow tommorow I was going to be Mrs.Hutcherson I was going to be the happiest girl in the world all my cast friends and my family and Josh's family aswell.

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