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Jake POV:
Jake: Come sit down please.

Tessa came and sat down. I could tell by her face she was nervous and had no clue why she was in here. Her legs was shaking. She kept avoiding eye contact with me too which she never does, she's usually always looks me in the eyes when ever we talk.

Tessa: Why did you call me in here?

Jake: Well someone in the Team 10 house told me that you have been doing inappropriate things outside of the YouTube career.

Tessa: What do you mean?

Jake: Don't play dumb. This is not good for your career, if our fans find what you have put out there. Your career is done. You will be done. And you will be out of the Team 10 house.

Tessa: What the hell Jake. Are you screwing with me? I wouldn't do that.

Jake: Tessa you know what you have done. Hopefully it doesn't get out.

Tessa: Oh my god. Who told you this shit?

Jake: I'm not saying. It's not for them to worry about, it's for us. Now if you do this again. You are out of the Team 10 house because I don't want your problem to become mine.

Tessa: Jake I have no clue what you are talking about! I didn't do anything!

Jake: Your consequence is you are not allowed to date anyone in the Team 10 house, because if the fans find what you've put out to the internet then you'll be down but if your dating someone in this house while that happens then their career will be down too. I'm sorry but you put your self through this.

Tessa was speechless. She started crying.

Tessa: Whatever. I didn't do anything you don't get it. I didn't put anything out there!

Jake: Sorry Tessa.

I got up and left. .

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