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GUYS 1K READS?! WHAT?! That is amazing! I can't put in words how I feel right now because I'm SPEECHLESS! Thank you guys, for real. I'm glad so many people are enjoying my story :)
Anthony POV:
My idea is difficult to choose from. It's almost choosing from the two things you love the most. It's terrible that Tessa has to go though this. Her and Jake will never be the same with their friendship.

Anthony: I have an idea. But you will have to choose form two hard discussion.

Tessa: Ok, tell me my choices.

Anthony: It's ether we break up or we both leave Team 10.

Tessa looked down and took a deep breath. I could tell she was really thinking on what she needed to tell me. She brought her head back up and looked me in the eyes.

Tessa: Adios Team 10!

I jumped up and hugged her so tight. I now know that Tessa can be mine.

Anthony: Wow!

We kissed a couple times, it was still as prefect as the first one we had.

Tessa: We can tell Jake later.

Anthony: Ok.

Tessa: How will Jake react?

Anthony: He will be pissed.

Tessa: I'm kind of scared.

I hear the door open. Tessa and I both look up to see that's it Jake. Before he sees we let go of each others hands.

Jake: Scared of what Tessa?

Tessa: Um..

Jake: You can tell me.

Jake walked over to Tessa and sat right by her. He put his arm over her as he pulled her closer to him. I hated seeing him doing that to her. All I want to do is grab Tessa from him and call her mine in front of his face. I couldn't though. Tessa wasn't ready to tell Jake.

Jake: Tell me!

Tessa: I'm scared to go to the pool and swim?

Jake: Um ok.

Tessa: Yeah I know it's weird.

Jake: Get you bathing suit on and I will teach you the swim!

Jake got up to get ready to teach her.

Tessa: I guess it's not a choice.

We both started laughing at the whole conversation that just happened since Tessa was so bad at making up a lie. I left the room so Tessa could get ready.

Tessa POV: I heard a knock at my door.

Tessa: Come in!

Jake: Wow! You look amazing!

Then Jake looked up and down at my whole body. I started getting the feeling I got when he first did that.
I immediately felt self conscious.

Jake: Let's go!

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