back together

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Anthony POV:

- two days later -

I've been thinking for the past two days on my discussion and it brought me right in front of the Team 10 house. I stood at the front door. I honestly had no clue on what I was going to say. I opened the door.

Anthony: Tessa?!

I heard a door open upstairs. I look up to see Tessa.

Anthony: Are you the only one home?

Tessa: Yeah.

She said as she walked down the stairs.

Tessa: What are you doing here?

Anthony: Well uh, I love you so much. And um I just feel bad that you had to see me do that to Miley.

Tessa: Your saying you abuse girls now.

Anthony: No.

Tessa: Yes! You just said I'm sorry you had to see me do that!

Anthony: Tessa, I don't abuse girls.

Tessa: How many times have you hit her then?

Anthony: That was the only time. Why would you think I would do that?

Tessa: You have to hit a girl for some reason.

Anthony: Then why did Cameron hit you?

Tessa sat on the stairs. She wasn't really prepared for the question.

Tessa: He's an alcoholic. He can't control it.

Anthony: Your standing up for him!

Tessa: No I'm not.

Anthony: Yeah you are.

Tessa: I'm just saying-

Tessa was cut off by her phone ringing.

Tessa POV:

Tessa: I'm just saying-

I was cut off by my phone ringing. It was Cameron.

Tessa: Sorry I have to take this.

Anthony: It's Cameron?

Tessa: Yeah he hasn't stop bugging me. He's trying to figure out where I am. He won't though he's too drunk.

I answered the call and put it on speaker.

Cameron: Tesssssssaaa?

Tessa: Yes?

Cameron: Where are you? I'm at home waiting for yoooouuu...

Tessa: I'm sorry. I'm not coming back home. I've told you this.

Anthony was staring at me as I talked on the phone. He seemed scared for me or maybe he was confused?

Anthony: Uh Cameron it's me Anthony.

Cameron: Get the fuck away from Tessa!

I ended the call. I don't want him in my life anymore.

Anthony: Do you forgive me?

Tessa: Yes.

Anthony smiled.

Anthony: Does that mean we are friends or more then that?

He smirked at his comment.

Tessa: Oh my god! I haven't talked to you in like a year and you already want me!

Anthony: Well yeah!

We both laughed. Anthony came closer to me kissing me. I kissed him back. His lips were so soft and prefect. I missed them so much. We both heard someone clear their voice. We looked up.

Jake: Um... Tanthony?

That made everyone laugh.

Anthony: I'd say Tanthony is a thing!

Anthony looked over at me to listen for my answer.

Tessa: Me too!

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