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Beep. Beep. Beep

I roll over on my bed and slam my hand on the alarm clock, trying to make it stop that terrible noise.

After it stops I lay in bed for a minute thinking about what I have to do today. If the plane leaves at 4:30, I probably need to leave at 2:30 to be safe. That gives me time to clean the apartment and do any last minute things.

I hop out of bed with a smile on my face, the thought of having a well paid job that includes me doing my passion, keyboard and singing, makes me ecstatic. I've always had little to no extra money. Now I can have the best time of my life while making good money!


"Now I'm holding on to youuu!" I sing along with the radio while sweeping the floors. I've always liked Twenty One Pilots but I've never really gotten deep into them. I mainly listen to Paramore, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, and stuff like that. But lately I've been listening to Waterparks as much as I can, and I'm starting to really like them! I already know all the songs off Double Dare, and some off the eps they have.


Falling onto the couch, done with cleaning my apartment I turn on the TV. I didn't know it was so messy in here. I'm exhausted.

My stomach begins rumbling with no sign of stopping so I go to the kitchen and make myself some food. It's around noon so I just make a turkey sandwich and have some chips on the side.

I've been surfing the channels for awhile now so I just settle with the afternoon news.

"Two car accidents have happened today with multiple injuries and one death."

Jeez. Depressing much? I huff and switch to Cartoon Network and watch some random cartoon.

After I finish my shitty meal. I look at the clock that only reads 1:27. I should call my grandma! I haven't spoke to her in awhile and she'll be curious about what's going on.

"Hey Granny! How are you doing?"

"Oh I'm doing wonderful! How are you Amber? What are you up to these days?" She asks.

"Well I'm doing pretty good! I just got a job and it's supposed to pay well, so I can pay you back for all the loans I've needed from you!" I laugh.

"Oh honey don't even think about it! That's my gift!"

We talk for awhile about her cats and what her book club has been reading.

"Oh Granny, guess what! I'm flying to LA today for the job!"

"Amber, oh my! That's a long ways from Houston! When does you plane leave?"

"4:30 p.m."

"Oh well I should probably let you go, it's 2:13 already."

"Alright Granny, I love you!"

"I love you too Amber, be safe and stay happy!" She replies before hanging up.

I love her so much and I owe owe her a lot too. After mom died she was the only family I had. Dad left when I was born and the rest of my family is somewhere in Michigan, probably not wanting anything to do with me.

I go to the bathroom and take one last look in the mirror with a smile before grabbing my luggage and hopping out the door. I throw my stuff into the back seat of the car and make my way to the airport.

As soon as I arrive, I park in the airport parking garage and go to where I get my boarding pass. I notice a skip in my step and smile even more than I thought was possible, for me at least.

I show the woman at the desk the ticket information from the email and get my ticket. I go through security pretty quickly. But, my keyboard caused some minor problems with the metal detectors and I had to be patted down by a smelly old dude. Wonderful, huh?

I turn on my phone and look at the time, 4:02. Wow, must have been here longer than I thought.


The plane begins boarding and I get in line to get onto the plane. I walk to the middle of the plane and begin to search for my seat. With no luck I might add.

I look around helplessly until I find a worker, "Sir can you help my find my seat?" I ask the flight attendant.

"Yes Ma'am! Looks like your over in first class on the second row." He says cheery before walking away.

First class! How did that Bill Hanson guy get me a first class seat? I remind myself to thank him as soon as I see him. I look around me and set my stuff in the right places and settle in.

The intercoms sound and the captain introduces himself. He says the flight will be around 3 hours. I feel my eyelids get heavy so I pull down the shade to my window and try to take a short nap.

It's happening, Amber. Time to get out of your funk and live a little again.

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