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Today is it, the last show. The last day of an era. The day I feared the most is here. Great.

All of us got up pretty early, a depressed mood falling over the bus. No one really said anything, just smiled at each other and did what they needed to.

"Um so, the show tonight is earlier than usual, we have a pretty big meet and greet since it's the last show." Awsten said. We all just kinda nodded and didn't say anything. No one knew what to say, it was the last day of tour. I'll probably never see these people again.

"I suggest everyone does morning stuff then get ready for tonight a little early"

Everyone went separate ways. I sat on the couch and admired my hands. They've gotten boney-er somehow.

Awsten sat by me and pushed his hand into mine. We didn't say anything, just sat there staring at the silent TV.

"I don't know if we will  be able to keep in touch everyday, but just know this. I am so thankful for every moment we've had together. This has been the happiest I've been in so long. And it's because of you, Amber. Thank you."

I felt my eyes get hot, and I quickly turned into Awsten's chest and sobbed.

"I don't- want y-you- to go-" I cried.

"I know, baby. I'll always be around. You will be able to call me up anytime I can. I would stay up all night for days just to talk to you."

I parted from him and wiped away my tears, nodding.

"You're right, it's probably gonna be okay"

"I know it's gonna be okay, Amber"

"How? You can't predict the future Awsten I know-"

He interrupts me, "trust me, it'll be okay"

The guys came in so I straightened myself up and we went to soundcheck. Once we were done, we did a meet and greet for some fans. I almost broke down a few times, but for the most part I held myself together.

"Ready to put on the best show of your life?" Otto asked me.

"I think so!" I yelled over the loud music.

"You're on in 3..2..1!"

I ran on to the stage, and played the starting keys for the show. Everyone is the crowd was screaming louder then I had ever heard. I felt myself getting lost in the moment and floating away in the music. 

"Aright Houston! Thank you everyone who has ever came to our shows, who has ever bought merch, who has ever listened to us. You are what got us here. We love you so much!"

The crowd screamed, and I saw people crying. It pushed me over the edge, I stared to cry a little bit, and people soon started to notice.

"We love you Amber!" A fan yelled.

I wiped away my tears and yelled back,

"I love you guys too!"

We did a group bow and ran off stage. We all sat down to cool off and talk in the green room.

"So I wanna say before I don't get the chance, thank you guys for bringing me into this band. It's been the funniest, most fun, and all around best months of my life. I love you guys"

All of them looked at each other, then tackled me in a huge group hug. When we pulled away everyone was a little teary eyed.


"Alright Amber, we loaded the cab with your stuff, you're set to get to you apartment tonight." A crew member told me.

I thanked them and took a look at the boys in front of me. I took a step towards Otto first, hugging him tightly.

"I'll miss you Amber, I'll be lonely with no girl on tour"

I smiled and pulled away, going to hug Geoff.

"Keep in touch Amber, and be ready for Pokémon go trips in the future"

We laughed and I pulled away. Next, Awsten. He was the one to grab me quickly and hug me. I closed my eyes, holding back tears.

"Please, call me when you can. I'm gonna miss you so fucking much. I love you Amber Moore"

"I promise I'll call you whenever I have a chance, I love you too, Awsten Knight. So much"

We pulled away and he kissed me passionately. When we let go I waved goodbye to everyone and stepped into the cab. The driver started driving off and I watched the boys as the watched me go along. I turned around and at back in my seat. Tears free falling down my cheeks.

I'm gonna miss them so much.

powerless // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now