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Last night I was so excited I could barely sleep, but somehow this morning I woke up to my alarm at 7:30 a.m, Feeling refreshed and ready for what life is bringing me.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a granola bar and a water from the mini bar provided by the hotel.

After I was done eating, I stripped and jumped into the shower and washed my hair and body the best I could. I really want to be the best me today. I need to impress these people and show them they didn't make the wrong decision! And part of that means not smelling like an ape.

I dry myself off and blow dry my hair, leaving it in its natural wavy state. Then doing some makeup so I don't look like a little boy anymore. 

When I'm done in the bathroom I check the time and see it's 8:26, so I hurry and get dressed with what I set out yesterday.

I tie the converse laces quickly then grab my phone, cash, and any courage I could find in myself. I'll probably need it.

I walk out of the hotel and wave down a cab and show the old man the address. He says it's 20 minute drive due to the morning traffic. Guess I'll be cutting it close.


When we arrive at the studio, I tip the driver and step out into the windy street. I wipe my hair out of my face and lift my head, trying to compose myself. I walk into the studio I see a taller guy behind the desk going through some papers.

"Hi uh, I'm Amber Moore, I was told to come here at 9 a.m for a meeting?" I say quietly to the man who looks at me with confusion, then he grows a wide smile and walks around the desk.

"Amber! It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm the Waterparks manager, Bill Hanson."

"Oh Hi Mr. Hanson! Thank you so much for the plane seats and hotel room, they were so nice!" I say while hugging him.

"Please call me Bill, and don't mention it! You're doing all of us a big favor here." He replies and hugs back.

"The band isn't here yet so in the mean time, will you play me a song on the piano? I'm so excited to hear you!"

"Uh, sure!" I tell him. This is going to be rough, I haven't even warmed up!

He walks me into a recording room where a piano sits in the middle. I sit down on the bench and think of what I could play while he walks behind the tinted window. I settle for 'Tell Me How' by Paramore. Easy enough, right? I hope...

(Tell My How is linked on the top of this chapter if you'd like to listen and read along with the lyrics)

I look up to see him smiling at me and dimming the lights so all you could see was me in the other room. I count the beat to myself then press on the beginning chords. I notice my fingers shaking so I take a breath and continue on.

I can't call you a stranger
But I can't call you
I know you think that I erased you
You may hate me, but I can't hate you
And I won't replace you

Tell me how to feel about you now
Tell me how to feel about you now
Oh, let me know
Do I suffocate or let go?

I think I'm tired of getting over it
Just starting something new again
I'm getting sick of the beginnings
And always coming to your defenses
I guess it's good to get it off my chest
I guess I can't believe I haven't yet
You know I got my own convictions
And they're stronger than any addiction
And no one's winning


I finish the song by slowly pressing on the last few notes. After they fade away I take my hands off and wipe them on my jeans, seeing that they're sweaty because I'm so nervous.

I smile and look up while he brightens the lights back, but when I look up I don't only see Bill. There are 3 other people standing next to him.

Bill starts clapping while he walks through the glass door and over to me, the other three stay where they are and give me small smiles.

"That was amazing, Amber! Looks like we made the right choice huh boys?" He says and looks back at the three standing there. Two of them laugh and nod, and the other smiles for a second then crosses his arms turning to talk to the other two.

"Well Amber, here's the band. I'll leave you guys to get to know each other." Bill says then walks out of the room.

"Hey I'm Otto! Nice work on the piano by the way. You're awesome at it!" The first one tells me. I smile and thank him before looking at his appearance.

He has soft brown doe eyes that light up his face, and slightly thick eyebrows. His lips are full and he has a nose ring that suits him very well. His hair is kind long but he covers most of it with a black beanie.

"Hey, I'm Geoff" the other one tells he while looking scared, he must be shy. His bright blue eyes bring out his innocence and make him look super cute, his hair is styled to where it all sweeps over his and to the side. He also has a nose ring, but his is a blue-ish, green. His shoulders are quite broad and he's pretty tall, as well.

"This is Awsten," Geoff says pointing to the last guy. He must be the lead singer. His bright blue hair matches his eyes that are covered by glasses. He's really tall compared to me, well, they all are. He looks at me and smiles for a second, but it doesn't last long and before I could say anything he's already walking out of the door. 

"He's not mean or anything, he's actually really funny and sweet. You just have to get to know him." Otto tells me and puts a hand on my shoulder to ease the awkward tension.

"So you're the famous Amber who we've welcomed to our lovely band!" Geoff says and falls onto the couch and grabs a nearby bag of chips. Where did they come from? Oh well.

"I wouldn't say famous but yes I am in your band for now, thank y'all by the way!"

"You're welcome! We really needed a keyboardist and it sounds like we got a singer too?"

"Ehh, I'm not that good at it but I can do background if I need to!"

"We heard you sing, you're really good! Might be giving Awsten a run for his money." Otto joins while elbowing Geoff.

"A run for my what?" Awsten says while walking back into the room, a smile prominent while he looks at Geoff and Otto.

He's kinda cute...

Stop thinking that Amber! He's your band mate now!

I shake my head and Awsten gives me a weird look before plopping down on a groaning Geoff.

"Anyways, welcome to the band Amber!" Awsten says.

Everyone cheers and puts me in the middle of a huge bear hug. I smile and hug back.

This is gonna be fun.

powerless // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now