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The days went fast, too fast almost. It's like I had a time machine and skipped though time until we had to leave for tour. I guess we just had so much fun I lost track of time?

"Amber! Give me your suitcase!"

I jolt awake from my thoughts and look at the crew member that yelled for me. I hurry and get my suitcase and hand it to him.

"Do you want to carry your keyboard with you as well?" He asks me.

I nod my head at him and grab my keyboard then go into the room near the back with the band's stuff. I brush my hands over the case and set it by the suitcase.

I see Otto rushing onto the bus with a handful of Xbox equipment. I laugh and run over to him, and take some off his load. He sets the stuff down and grabs the rest from me.

He stood up and said "Thank you, Geoff would have killed me if I broke his Xbox!"

I laugh at his words, but I know they are probably true. Geoff is very serious about his gaming equipment.

He walks out of the bus and I follow him to where the rest of the crew members, Awsten and Geoff are.

"Is that all?" Another crew member asked. The group nodded their heads and separated to do the last few things needed before leaving.

Awsten claps his hands and turns to us, "alright ladies, let's load up!"

Otto slaps his head and they race to the bus, but me and Geoff stay behind. In these last few days we've gotten really close. We like a lot of the same music and games and, well everything actually. He's already becoming my best friend.


We've been on the bus for a few hours now, we're heading to our first tour stop. Everyone is bored out of their minds and hungry even though there is plenty of food.

"No! Amber come help me!" Geoff yells at me while sitting up from his position on the couch. We've been playing video games for around 30 minutes now. He begged me to play and I finally gave in because I had nothing better to do.

"Gimme a sec jeez!"

Awsten walked into the front room and plopped down in the small space between me and Geoff. He leans back beside me and watched the screen. He looks over at me before lazily throwing his arm around my shoulders, which are significantly smaller than his and Geoff's now that I notice.

My grip on the controller gets tighter and I feel a pit in my stomach. How does he do this to me? I've only known him for such a small amount of time but the way he makes me feel is, indescribable. I can't tell if I like it or not. 

I try to ignore the fact that Awsten is very close to me right now and focus on the game. I'm winning for once and I intend to keep it that way.

Awsten leans into me and my eyes widen. I don't know what he's doing until he starts whispering something in my ear.

"Geoff can't shoot at short distance, he's always freaks."

His words send chills down my spine, and no not because of what he said. His hot breath against my ear made me quiver. I feel my face heat up and my hands start to sweat. I try to pull myself together and smile at him as a thanks.

Taking his advice, I go in front of Geoff and he freaks out, his character flailing everywhere. I easily shoot him and win instantly.

"NO!" He yells and sinks down to the floor in defeat. I just throw the remote to my side and sit with a smirk on my face.

"Nice job" Awsten whispers into my ear again.

The action scares me and I whisper a small 'thank you' before getting up and running off to the bathroom.

How does he make me feel this way? I can't like him. No. He's my band mate now. We're going to be around each other for months and it's going to be soooo awkward if I like him.

A loud knock at the door shakes me out of my thoughts.

"Amber hurry I'm about to pee myself!" Otto yells from behind the door. I look in the mirror one last time.

Come on Amber, pull yourself together.

I put on a smile at my reflection and hold it while I walk out of the bathroom. Otto practically runs me over holding his crotch and doing the pee dance. I laugh and go into the bunk area. I guess I'll just go to bed since there's nothing else to do but sleep or eat.

powerless // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now