» forty four «

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- hara -

"When are you going back to your ho-- I mean your brother's dorm ?" Yoongi asked all of sudden .

"I don't know . Why ? You don't want me to stay here again ?" I looked at him .

"It's not like that . But , Hara listen to me" He grabbed my shoulders make me turn to him .

"When you're kidnapped by one of their members , they really worried about you especially Seungcheol and Mingyu . Both of them really want to do anything for you Hara . Seungcheol , even though I don't really like him but he's the one for you . He really love you Hara . Like every second he'll asked me when we're going to search for you back then . And Mingyu , he's the only one your brother . He doesn't have anyone beside you . And how about you ? You only have him . Please Hara . Go back to them and start a new life"

He explained to me . I still confused with my own decisions and I admit I felt lonely and empty when they're not around .

Am I too egoistic ?

"I promise but not now . I just want to think" I replied simply and he sighed .

"Think carefully Hara . They're so caring about you and I'm afraid that one day , no one will do that for you"

- scoups -

Everything's change when she's stay with Yoongi hyung . Yes , we heard everything about her from BTS .

We're already accept Dino back to our group because , Hara's right . She said that Dino's our brother and we can't let him go .

No matter what he's still our members and of course our brothers . Mingyu seemed a little down but when he heard about Hara from Yoongi , he pray for her happiness .

Exactly same from what the others thought too . I don't know that they also have a crush to her but they accept the fact that I'm the one !

We still do our same routine but it's different when we can't hear Hara nagging and laughing with us . But at least , we can give her some space to think .

We respect her decision even though at first we hate it . I know that one day she'll come back to us and we'll treat her differently .

"Thinking about Hara ?" Jun come beside me and I flinched .

"Please don't do that again" I runbed my chest and he chuckled .

"We're having a world tour later . Should we bring her with us ?" He asked .

"I don't know . Depends on Mingyu though . She's not my sister" I raised my hands surrender and something hit my head .

"But she's your girlfriend !" Seungkwan shouted after he throw the pillow to my head .

"You're jealous !!" I shouted back .

"Oh oh ! The fight started now !" Dino shouted and throw the pillow .

Everyone grabbed the pillow and started to hitting each other . I didn't found my pillow and started stealing .

Mingyu yelped when I jumped on his back and stole his pillow . Hoshi helped Mingyu and grabbed my arms .

Jeonghan looked at me and laughing before hitting Hoshi's back . Joshua pouted and started hitting the other members .

Feathers of the pillow already flying in the air and some of it already on the floor . Minghao keep kicking the feathers to Wonwoo .

"Stop it !" Mingyu ran to them to 'protect' Wonwoo .

"Go away Hoshi . Play with Jihoon" I laughed and Woozi glared to me .

"What is happening here ?" We all stop and looked at the in front door .

We blinked a few times .

"Hey . Is it real ?" I looked at Hoshi and he shrugged .

"Aw !" He pinched my cheek hard .

"IT'S REALLLLL !!!!" I shouted and everyone cheering .

"HARA IS BACK !!!!" Mingyu shouted and we ran to her who's holding her luggage .

"Finally" He hugged her tightly and she chuckled .

"Yeah I'm back big bro" She patted his back .

"So how're you doing ? Did Yoongi hyung treat you nicely ?" Vernon asked and she nodded .

"Wait someone here is waiting for you"

Yeah since I at the back , Hara didn't see me . They parted a little and she looked at me . I smiled and open wide my arms .

She put her luggage and ran to me . I stumbled a little and hugged her tightly . She nuzzled her face on my neck .

"I miss you"

"I miss you too" I pulled away and pecks her lips softly .

The others whistled and she blushed before hiding her red face on my chest . I laughed and patted her back .

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