Chapter Five

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Kai finalized his last preparations. Early in the morning, the Forsaken had settled in the caves to the east outside of Lazerus's borders. Lurk had promised to give their chosen leader an audience to discuss the mutual benefits of the future of their two species.

Kai waited aboard the Leaf, an elvish merchant vessel. The massive ship groaned against the dock, impatient to set sail. Deckhands—mostly burly were-creatures, hounds, felines, a few reptilian—loaded and secured the final crates of goods. Kai kept out of their way but remained on the main deck while the other merchant traders retired to their cabins below. Kai's expectant gaze scanned the empty streets that emptied onto the pier.

Jinara Ni'Mirr, the ship's first mate, climbed the ramp. "Where is this last bit of cargo?" the wood elf asked Kai.

Jinara jotted notes on a scroll of parchment, checking off the last crates loaded onto the deck. She stood tall, her shoulders squared with authority. She kept her corset vest laced tight, revealing her willowy figure, but Kai knew her to be quick to land a punch. Her hair was as pale as Kai's was black, and she kept the long locks braided back, proudly showing slender ears adorned with rings, bangles, and gems.

"It's on the way," he replied.

Kai leaned against the polished copper railing and looked out over the abandoned streets. More than ten years since his last visit to Lazerus, and now he was off again before a full day had passed. At one time Kai might have called the vampire kingdom his home. That was a long time ago. Lurk had settled in as Allfather and king, and power had a way of changing people. So Kai had returned to his life of travel. It was better this way. Or so he told himself.

"We leave at midday," she said. "Captain doesn't care if your affairs are not in order. You can wait until another trading ship comes to dock."

"You know I only sail on the finest ships," Kai replied.

And the Leaf was a fine ship. Its hull had been constructed only from sacred trees grown in the heart of the Light Elf Woods. It was pale and buoyant as a cloud and polished to shine like a priceless pearl. The ship and its crew were notorious for their efficiency and speed, but just the sight of the Leaf was enough to draw respect.

She smirked. "Your sweet talk won't delay this voyage. What delivery are you expecting that's taking so long to arrive?"

Kai smiled back. "This cargo is invaluable. And is heading this way as we speak. I can count on your . . . discretion?"

She looked at him with her white brows quirked over copper eyes and did not reply until he slipped a gold coin into her pocket. "Anything for an old friend."

"Good." Kai walked down the steep ramp.

Jinara leaned over the railing. "Kai, I mean it. Once the final count is verified, we set sail. With or without you."

Kai waved a hand over his shoulder, and he could hear the confident stride of her heels echoing across the deck. For a woman who would bend the rules close to breaking for a few coins of gold, she really was a tyrant about schedules.

He shielded his eyes as he looked up at the sun, dead above in the sky. This was cutting things uncomfortably close.

The deep voice of the Leaf's captain shouted to ready the ship for sea.

"My lord," a raspy-voiced were-hound called to him. "Captain orders that the ramp be stowed."

"Continue your duties," Kai called up to the half-man and then turned back to the pier.

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