Chapter 5

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Anwar's p..o.v
The next day was a bloody hell day for me . In the afternoon, I was informed of something I feared the most, a nightmare in reality.
I was going down stairs to the the dining for lunch. Yesterday's incident was still annoying me and I prayed my mother wouldn't ask me for my where about yesterday.
I walked towards the dining and sat beside my younger sister on the dining table,umma and daddy opposite us, then we started eating.
Then silence in the dining felt awkward but later daddy broke the silence.
Daddy:I haven't been seeing you lately, where have you been?
There was no response as I sat trying not to look at the direction of my father eating.
Daddy:anyway, I'm making you the manger of my company because I can see this day all you do is go out, eat and sleep. You need to understand at this age you need to be come more responsible and useful.
There was a brief silence
Daddy:and all so, you are getting married.
Me: what !
I blinked out of surprise and turned my gaze at my father.
Me:I don't understand.
Daddy:you better understand cause we have already agree on the marriage.we were even the ones that asked for the marriage.
Me: excuse me
Daddy:like it or not, believe it or not, accept or not you are getting married and that is final.
Then he stood from his chair and left. The shock was still there, I didn't want to believe it. I sat there staring at my food which wasn't even half way done then I stood up banged the table. My chair fell with force then I left too. Umma and amira where just staring at me shocked as I walked all the way upstairs to my was really unbelievable for me.
After 3 hours of processing the information my daddy broke to me,I finally decided on what I was going to do about it. I got up and walked up to daddy's room and knocked on his door . "Who is that? . Daddy asked from the other side of the room. It's me anwar he replied after a long pause come in , I hesitated before opening the door and walking in to find daddy laid on his king sized bed using his laptop, ( probably working on some office documents). I greeted as I walked into the room daddy "Ina Woni (good afternoon). Lafiya me ya kawo ka daki na?" (Fine what brings you to my room) he answered ."daddy please call off the wedding please, I am not ready for marriage and I don't even know the girl. We might not even get along, I begged as I sat on his bed. anwer if you are not ready now when will you be ready . Trust me when when I say she is a very beautiful girl,intelligent,talented and she can also cook and beside we were the one that asked for her hand in marriage, "sorry but what is done is done, the agreement has been done I can't Change it, and also get ready your uncles are coming next week so that we can go to the bride house for the wedding perpetration. Please daddy think about it , I'm not ready"I continued with my pleading. "No my decision has been made, now is there any other reason why you came to my room? He asked " NO" I replied as my head hung low as I realized that my pleading made no effort. "Okay now you may leave so that I can continue with my office work. He said and stood up and he left the room with my head still hung low.
As I closed the door to my daddy's room I made my way to my room and banged the door, "SHIT!!!" I exclaimed frustrated as I kick the foot of my bed. I sat on my bed and called Ramadan. He picked up on the third ring "guy how fah?. He asked " guy we need to talk. "Please come to the bar, I will be waiting for you there", I quickly added.

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