Carrie felt her hand hit cool water. She opened her eyes and saw how close she was to the blue and crystal clear water.
Beating her wings faster, she gained altitude.
Carrie was tired. She had been flying East all night, from an island in the Pacific to South America. Now she was about 20 miles away from the coast of Peru.
I have to keep going. Carrie thought to herself. She kept moving.
Eventually, Carrie spotted some land. She flew to it, hoping it would have a place to stay. She thought back to the puppies whom she left at the beach house. Carrie planned that when she found the Hybrid's camp that she would fly back and get the puppies and bring them back to stay at the camp with her. Eve was going to take care of Buttercup permanently because of Vanessa's death, so that was taken care of, but Carrie wasn't sure where to keep them at the camp. She heard that there were rooms made of shipping containers set up like a motel from Eve. Eve also mentioned that the camp had farms and hydroelectric power sources.
It's great. If you can find it.
The camp was located in the Andes mountains, somewhere near Panama but a bit further East and South.
Eve's instructions were that Carrie should follow the mix ups. Whatever that meant.
Later, After she had taken a nap on top of a building, Carrie was almost to the Andes mountains.
Her plan was to go from North to South down the mountain range, searching. She believed that the hybrid camp would be somewhere West of the Amazon basin. So that put it Southeast of Panama and West of the Amazon basin. So about near where Peru and Brazil meet.
Later at almost midnight, Carrie came to the northern border of Peru and the Western border of Brazil. She planned to start there and fly South.
As she found herself at the base of the Andes, not far from the ground she noticed a tree. Or rather, trees. Two trees had been fused, with the technique of chopping two trees in half and planting them together in the hopes they would heal as on tree.
Neither tree belonged in the Amazon, a weeping willow and a Japanese maple. That's weird. Carrie thought. She paused and changed directions.
Flying upwards, Carrie remembered an old geography lesson she learned in school when they studied the Andes.
The Andes had four distinct layers based on altitude. Tierra Caliente, Tierra Templada, Tierra something else and Tierra Fría. Carrie doubted anyone would choose to live in a freezing hell so it wouldn't be in Tierra Fria, nor would they deal with the spiders and snakes of Tierra Caliente. So that means it would be in Templada or the other one. Hey she couldn't remember all of them, she learned it in seventh grade!
Carrie continued to fly up and up, noticing that every once and a while she found another landmark. Things like a stone made from two different rocks, a mismatched pair of earrings hanging from a tree, a tree flecked with red and blue paint and some others.
Finally she glimpsed storage containers, their colour washed away by sun, through the dense trees. Carrie whipped her ruby hair as she abruptly stopped heading up. She felt something wrap around her ankle.
In confusion, Carrie looked down and saw a thick rope with a weight tied to the end wrapped around her ankle.
She traced the rope back to an area under a tree where two young boys stood, holding the other end. Carrie attempted to burn off the rope, but before she could do much, the two boys yanked on the rope, pulling her to the Earth.