Chapter 6: Skylar Dracos

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Willow's P.O.V

I gasped as I looked around the huge room that Skylar and his blue dragon, Sapphire, had led us to. Bookshelves covered the walls, the books themselves were studded with dully glowing jewels and illuminated with golden script along their spines. They looked worn in away that showed that they had not only been read and reread but had been loved by their owner. These books were so unlike the ones at Berk, which were plain and leather, that I wanted to just grab them, sit down and read to my hearts content 

"A book lover, I see" said Sapphire noticing how I gazed at them. 

"Oh well-" I began but Felix interupted me

"She reads anything she can get her hands on." 

The two dragons laughed as I blushed. 

"Sit." Skylar said. 

"Umm I'll stand thanks." I murmered trying not to stare at him. Heck I had a boyfriend! Then why did I feel like I might spontaneuosly combust if I got any closer to him?

"I'm guessing you have quite a few questions so you might want to sit." On the way here Skylar had quized me on when my powers had first started showing and when I had met Felix, though I had no idea what that had to do with our topic.

I walked over and sat in an armchair by a table piled with more books. Skylar began unbuckling his leather armor and placing it on a desk, he then came and sat in the chair oposite me. He raised an eyebrow at me while resting his chin cupped in his hand. 

Do not look at his chest

Do not look at his chest

Do not look at his chest

I kept chanting this in my head. Instead I focused on his eyes....well that was a really bad idea, even though he wasn't looking at me I could still see his eyes clearly, they were a gorgeous blue. Oh my Gods!

"Ummmm," I was so mesmerised by his eyes that I blurted out a completly stupid question. " Do you live here?" 

"Yes" Skylar said, "I inherited this island and everything on it from my grandfather." 

"So you live here by yourself?" I asked surprised. 

"No, I've got Sapphire" 

"I mean other people." I said. 

"Dragons are as good as people and probably better." Skylar said haughtily switching to Dragonese so the dragons could understand. 

"Why can we speak to dragons?" I asked in Dragonese 

"Because we have been chosen." Skylar said simply 

"Well now that that's cleared up-" I began sarcastically. 

"When did you first see dragons?" Skylar interupting me. 

"When I came to Berk." 

"Berk? You live on Berk?" 

"Yes, why?" I asked confused.

"Has it come already" Skylar muttered to himself.

"What do you mean has it come already?" I asked confused yet again. 

"This island moves to different places, I can feel when it's about to happen." 

"Ok so a magic island, i'll just add that to my list of unexplainable things." I said sarcastically. 

"What is Berk like these days?" 

"Well we ride dragons and-" 

"You ride dragons?" Skylar exclaimed aghast. 

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