Chapter 13: Interrogation

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Hiccup's P.O.V 

"OK let me get this straight," I said, pacing in front of them. "Your saying that Willow's half dragon, and when she turned last night she went to find you, your her cousin?" 


"And were do you live?" 

"Well that's not creepy"

"Answer the question" 

"Isulam Brevi" said Skylar, who was sitting on a boulder examining the cove. 

"Right, so Willow flew all night to find you, and then brought you back to Berk?" I asked waving my hand around the cove.

"Is this some kind of interrogation?" he asked examining his nails carelessly. 

"No, just answer the question" I said impatiently. I was really starting to dislike this guy. 

"Are you sure, I mean this is sounding a lot like an interi-" 

"Skylar" Willow said threateningly. There was a pause then,

"Yes that is what happened." Skylar said sitting straight and placing his hands in his lap. 

Well that's just great, the only one who can control him, is Willow. 

"Ok can I just ask the obvious question here?" Astrid butted in walking forward and glaring. 

"Hmmm and what would that be?" asked Skylar. I looked at Astrid questioningly. 

"Why in the name of the God's does Willow turn into a dragon!" She said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Skylar took a while to answer, looking thoughtfully at the water a few meters away. "I don't know" 

"What?" Willow cried, "you told me you knew why!" 

"Well I sort of do, but that is something for you and me alone" Skylar said slipping down of the boulder. 

"Anything you can say to her, you can say to the rest of us." Fishlegs snapped walking up to Skylar. I groaned these two had been at each others necks since we had got here. 

"Hmmmm," Skylar said scratching his chin "no." 

"Why not?" Fishlegs said taking another step forward. 

"Because believe it or not I would prefer to keep that information private, but on this occasion I'll make an exception...for Willow." 

"You have to tell all of us!" Fishlegs exclaimed. 

"No I don't" Skylar said and with every word her poked Fishlegs in the chest. 

"Woah woah, gents lets just take a moment to calm down." said Astrid pushing the two apart. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. 

"Ok Skylar will you be staying on Berk?" I asked rubbing my head. 

"Unless you have anything against it interrogater, then yes, for a while." this got a furious noise from Fishlegs. 

"No way" he said 

"Fishlegs it's fine, he can stay at mine." Willow said 

"No way." Fishlegs repeated crossing his arms. Willow dragged him off to the side, the three of us stood awkwardly as we strained our ears to her them. 

"I don't trust the guy Willow," I heard Fishlegs whisper and then said something that I couldn't quite catch. 

"Oh my Gods Fishlegs, give it a rest, he's my cousin!" Willow exclaimed. She stormed back as Fishlegs followed blushing. 

"Come on Skylar." she snapped, walking over to Felix who was sleeping. 

"I don't have Sapphire." he said. 

"Well call her you idiot!" Willow snapped. 

For the first time today Skylar looked slightly wary. 

"Get on with it." Willow said as she prodded her dragon. 

I watched as Skylar lifted his head to the sky, and with one last hesitant glance at us, he let loose a roar so loud I wanted to cover my ears. In a few minutes a blue Timberjack landed in the cove and nuzzled her rider. 

"What the hell was that?" Fishlegs asked. 

"He has the same ability as me." Willow murmered getting up on Felix. 

I heard Fishlegs grumble something under his breath that no one else could hear. Well I thought no one else could hear, but apparently Willow and Skylar did. 

"How dare you." Skylar growled stepping away from his dragon and walking over to Fishlegs who was with Meatlug. Meatlug growled warily as he came forward, Skylar growled back menacingly and she backed away. "How dare you..." Skylar spat pushing Fishlegs up against the boulder. 

"Did you really just say what I thought you said?" Willow asked, covering up her shock with anger. 

"I didn't mean it..." Fishlegs said looking scared as Skylar pushed him harder against the rock. 

"Like hell you didn't" Skylar growled. 

"Skylar stop" Willow said 

"Why should I, he insulted us."

"He's not worth it." 

Ok this situation is amazingly weird. 

Skylar released Fishlegs and walked over to his dragon. He mounted and turned to glare at Fishlegs. 

"Willow please, I didn't mean-" Fishlegs stopped speaking as Willow raised a hand. 

"Don't waste your breath." She said before Felix jumped into the air and flew away, Skylar and his dragon hot on their heels. 


Hi everyone :D 

So today we have our fist Q/A. 

Me: Today we will be talking to Toothless. 

(Toothless walks up) 

Me: So Toothless, we have a question from TallestSilver, who has asked what it was like when Skylar first talked to you in Dragonese. 

Toothless: I must admit it was quite a shock, but I had had many conversations with Willow and was used to it by then. 

Me: How did you feel about another viking that could talk Dragonese. 

Toothless: well, dragonese is made for dragons, it is not supposed to be spoken by humans. 

Me: Can you make an exception to Willow and Skylar? 

Toothless: Yes, Yes I think I can, the both seem lovely kids. 

Me: Well thank you Toothless. 

Toothless: No problem, hope that answered you question TallestSilver, if you want to know anything else then just ask. 

Anyways, anymore questions, just comment them below:D 

Also please go check out my other story, The Power Of the Moon 



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