Chapter 16: Skylar goes loopy

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Willow's P.O.V 

I ran around my house looking for bandages, Skylar wasn't looking good. He still hadn't woken up. It had been hard to get him inside, he was pretty heavy, well when I was in my human form that is. I had struggled to carry him to his room. I was going through the cupboards looking for any firstaid supplies I had. Thankfully, there was a whole kit, it must have been there when I moved in. I ran back to Skylar, he was groaning and I saw his eyes flicker under the lids. I sat by his side through the rest of the night, bandaging his wounds, still he did not wake. Eventually exhastion one over and I fell asleep. 

When I woke, sun was streeming through my window and someone was stroking my hair..... 

Wait what! 

I shot up looking around. 

"It's ok Willow, it's just me" I looked at Skylar and saw that he had a goofy grin on his face. 

"Umm hi." I said, he had stopped touching my head. I was about to ask him why he was stroking it in the first place when he interupted me. 

"You know something?" he said "You are so beautiful." 

"What!" I choked. 

"Your beautiful, just like a willow tree." 

"Umm how are you feeling." I asked taking in his face, there didn't seem to be anything wrong.

"Yeah fine." he said letting out a histerical laugh. I saw a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead. 

"You've got a fever." I said putting my hand against it. 

"Are you going to be my doctor?" 

"Ummmmm" I said. Wow this was awkward. "Ok, you just sit tight, I'll be right back." 

I stepped out of the room and leaned against the wall. He had a fever. Starve a fever, feed a cold. Well I wasn't going to let him eat. And surely it wasn't good being that hot. I ran and got a bucket of cold water and ripped up some cloth. I went swiftly back to his room to find him flipping through a little book he had found on his bedside table. 

"Oooo you're back." He grinned at me. 

"Yes, now I'm just going to try and cool you down." I said kneeling next to him, dipping the cloth into the bucket before dabbing his head lightly. 

"I don't think I'm the one who has to cool down." He said dazzling me with one of his usual smiles, well at least he was a bit less delusional. He obviously still wasn't right in the head, otherwise he wouldn't have said that. But I still blushed letting my hair cover my face. 

"You're a very good doctor." He said before promptly colapsing falling face first onto the bed. 

"Skylar?" I asked panicking slightly. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him up back against the pillows, he was asleep. 

Astrid's P.O.V 

After patching Fishlegs up last night Hiccup and I had gone to sleep while we were supposed to be going through the notes. We spent the next day looking through more of them but still found nothign relevant to the powers which Toothless and his family had displayed. That night Hiccup made some hot yak milk and we sat outside. 

"The stars are so beautiful." I whispered as I warmed my hands on my cup. 


We were sitting really close together, despite his added body heat, I still shivered as a slight breeze blew through Berk. 

"You cold?" Hiccup asked turning to me. 

"A bit." I said gripping my cup tighter as though trying to absorb it's heat. 

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