AN #1

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The good news: I typed up a quick summary of the plot for this book last night and I'll have it (hopefully) finished in a few weeks, because a summary means my head is on straight and all I need to do is write.

The bad news: I'm going to have to put a temporary pause on updates for the weekend while I go through and do a lightning revision on the previously published chapters. Not much will change, but I WILL be re-posting  the current chapters with their revisions on Monday, along with some new chapters, too.

Further bad news: The Bellarke reunion is going to be later than I promised AND I AM SORRY but I'll make it up to you in one-shots, okay?

So, I'm very, very, very sorry for the delay, but I promise it will be worth it. I knowwww I said this would be posted fast, and it will be, but I do need to do a quick revision because while I like the concept, I'm not very happy with how the recent chapters have been. So I'm fixing that, and I hope you'll forgive me for the delay.

 So I'm fixing that, and I hope you'll forgive me for the delay

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---> UPDATE <---

All previously posted content has been revised . . . BUT I chopped a lot because it just didn't make sense. Starting now, however, the plot is MUCH BETTER (imho, obviously) and all following chapters will have new material that fits the improved and polished plot.


*insert clip of evil, maniacal laughter*


Posting of new material will commence ASAP. Thanks for the patience, guys. And if you haven't gone and re-read the new revised chapters, I highly suggest you do so before reading the upcoming chapters. As always, all votes and comments are more than welcome -- talk to me, people!!!

Tabi out.

Tabi out

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