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Grace wasn't giving up on finding Dom. She wanted the revenge on him for killing her brother. She knew Luke would be more than willing to help her due to having a fued with Dom.

Grace walked through to where Luke was. "Anything?"

Luke shook his head. "Nothing. All we know is that they're in Rio, Brazil."

"Shit. I want that bastard nailed!" Grace yelled.

"We could always take a holiday?" Luke suggested.

Grace smirked slightly. "I suppose we could."

Luke began to organise it. Grace kissed his neck as he booked the flight.

"When do we leave?" Grace mumbled against his neck.

Luke smiled. "In a few hours."

Grace and Luke made out before beginning to pack up. Grace made sure she had exactly what she needed for getting her revenge on Dom - her gun.

Even though Luke was a police officer, he wanted revenge against Dom. He didn't care about the cost.

Grace made sure her gun was well hidden. She loved living in LA. Luke walked into Grace. "We should get a bit of sleep. Our flight leaves soon."

Grace nodded. She stripped down to her underwear. Luke groaned, not once ever tiring of her body. Especially her tattoos. "You okay babe?" Grace asked. Luke shook his head.

"I won't be okay until I have you."

Grace laid on the bed and soon Luke laid beside her. He kissed her and gently caressed her body. He unclipped her bra and gently laced it down her arms, before throwing it on the floor.

Grace smirked. "Oh. That's what you want?"

"Of course."

*With Dom*

Brian and Roman walked into the garage where Dom was. Roman smirked. "Any news on this chick?"

"Nothing. But if Hobbs is involved, it won't be good," Brian said. He and Mia were expecting a baby and didn't want to get into too much trouble.

Dom hadn't said much. He was too busy focusing on Letty and how she hadn't been seen much.

Grace and Luke got on the flight. Grace put her bag under the seat in front of her. Her gun was in it.

"You all set?" Luke asked. Grace nodded and kissed him.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping me smuggle my friend on," Grace said.

Luke chuckled. "No problem. Being in the police comes in handy."

Grace smirked. "Yeah. I'll bet."

Luke winked. Grace took out her book and began reading. Luke could see all the tattoos she had. He wanted her so badly.

Eventually they arrived in Rio. Grace could tell this was the place Dominic Toretto would be hiding. "Seems fitting for a murderer," she spat.

Luke nodded. "Indeed."

Grace got into a car Luke had booked. Luke got in and they drove to the hotel they had booked too.

When they got there, they went straight to their room. Grace began to load up her gun. "Slow down."

Grace scoffed. "I will find him and I will do to him what he did to my brother," she said.

Luke nodded. "We've been on a flight. We need to sleep."

Grace looked at him. "I'm going to get some food," she said. Grace saw the look on his face. "I'll leave the gun."

"Good," Luke said. He put his hand out. Grace rolled her eyes and handed it over. "Good girl. Here's some money."

Grace took the money and walked out. She went into the supermarket and grabbed some of hers and Luke's favourite food.

She walked down and aisle when she spotted someone she knew. Immediately her blood began to boil.

Standing in front of her was Dominic Toretto. She felt angry. Her temper was flaring. "Look who it is."

"Do I know you?"

Grace scoffed. "I'm Grace O'Conner. Brian's sister. The sister of the man you murdered!" She spat.

Dom was confused. "Brian isn't dead. I didn't kill him."

"Liar," Grace spat. She slapped him.

Dom sighed loudly. "Brian isn't dead. I can prove it to you if you will let me."

Grace didn't say anything. She could tell in Dom's eyes and in the way that he spoke that he was telling the truth. Dom handed her his number.

"Maybe," she mumbled. She walked over to the checkout and bought the stuff before walking out.

Grace went back to the hotel. Luke was sitting on the bed. "Answer me one thing."

"Of course."

"Is Brian dead?"

Luke was confused. "What do you mean?"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Is my brother dead? Simple question."

Luke nodded. "Toretto killed him. I told you all this."

Grace didn't say anything. Eventually she nodded. Luke smiled.

"We didn't come here just to get Toretto. We need some alone time," Luke told her.

Luke kissed her neck. Grace pulled his face to hers and kissed him passionately. Luke kissed back. Grace took him over to the bed and pushed him down. She straddled him. "You're not lying to me are you?"

"I'd never lie to you."

Grace let Luke flip them. He stripped her off and started tracing her tattoos. Grace bit her lip.

He eventually pushed into her. Grace moaned loudly knowing he was big. "Crap."

Luke smirked. "You like?"

Grace nodded and kissed him passionately. Luke kissed back.

Grace dug her nails into Luke's broad muscular back. Luke groaned.


"Bite me," Grace told him. Luke chuckled and went harder.

When they had both climaxed, Luke pulled out and fell asleep. Grace laid in bed and thought. Grace got out of bed and grabbed her phone. She text the number Dom gave her.

"I'm giving you a chance. A chance to prove you're right - Grace"
"I'll prove it. I promise. Meet me tomorrow night - Dom"

Grace agreed and told him that she did. She laid down and fell asleep beside Luke.

The next morning, Grace woke in Luke's arms. She sighed. She didn't intend on telling him about Dom and her meeting. She was giving Dom a chance before she got Luke involved.

Luke woke and smiled at her. "Hey baby," he said.

"Hey. Good sleep?"

Luke nodded. "Was amazing."


Luke went out to speak with the Brazillian Police. Grace grabbed her phone and saw the location to meet Dom.

Grace made her way to the location. She had her gun in her pocket and sighed. "This better not be a trap."

"It's not. I promise," Dom said. Grace just nodded. She got into Dom's car.

Dom drove her to the location where he was. She was amazed at the house he was staying in.

He pulled up and got out. Grace followed him, making sure to adjust her top to cover her gun.

They went into the house.
"Brian!" Dom called.

Grace stood there in anticipation. She didn't know what to believe. That's when her world stopped. "B-Brian?"

Brian was shocked to see his little sister Grace standing in front of him. "Grace?"

Grace ran over to Brian and broke down crying. Brian held her close. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I-I was told Toretto killed you."

Brian was shocked. He held Grace close. "He didn't. I'm still here," Brian told her. Grace sobbed and nodded.

Dom felt bad for Grace. He went to get her a glass of water. Brian took her to the sitting room. Dom handed Grace the glass of water.

"T-Thank you."

Dom smiled. He happened to think Grace was highly attractive. Grace drank the water. "I've been lied to."

"By who?"

"My boyfriend. Luke Hobbs."

Grace knew one thing. The tables had turned and she wanted Luke to pay.

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