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                       /You're already dead\

"Wake up, Mari."

Marinette's eyes shot open, and immediately her eyes scanned the room for the owner of the startling voice. She wiped a bit of drool off the edge of her lip, having being woken up from the first sleep she'd experienced in days. Oddly enough, she had been given small rations of food.. she didn't see how that was necessary considering she was doomed to die anyways. And, even after all this time, she was still strapped securely onto a chair. She was sure that she was taking up another future prisoner's spot. It almost seemed a waste of space.

Her eyes focused in on the figure standing in the doorway. She recognized them immediately as Andres.

Why wasn't he chained up? What was going on?

"I know what you're thinking. But I'm not here to rescue you.. at least, not yet. Furthermore, you have to stay vigilant. Don't sleep, okay?" His fingers curled around the door, addressing her from the other side. His eyes darted around his surroundings, knowing a guard would show up soon. "I know it's tough but trust me. If they try and take you, stall for as long as you can. I have a plan, Marinette."

He left without another word, the door eerily clattering behind him.

A few hours later, a phone beside her on the floor began to ring. She could only guess Andres had left it there for her.

She wiggled her hands around until she could reach it, clutching it tightly in between her fingertips and answering it uneasily. "H-hello?"

There was no other voice on the other side of the line for a few moments, before a frantic voice was heard. "Girl?!? Is that you? Uh- I've called the police.. t-they can't track the phone you're using .. but can you tell me where you are?" She could hear that she had been crying, even through the line. Marinette sucked in a breath.

She glanced around the cold room, all ends of it sealed to where no light could enter and there was no escape. Water droplets that had formed from the extreme humidity dripped from the roof, landing on the floor with a quiet click. The sounds of beating and yelling came from the room beside her. Tears pulled at her eyelids. "N-no... I don't know.."

Alya's voice was still frantic. "Nothing? Are you sure? Not even certain notable aspects or something?!? Anything?"

Her tears dripped onto the floor eerily. "Alya.. I appreciate you trying to help.. b-but it's over. You don't understand." She choked on her words. "They're g-gonna kill me, Alya."

"No." Alya exhaled. "Girl... remember what I told you about Ladybug? The defender of the weak, the survivor of all odds? The bravest of the brave?" Her words did little to comfort the doomed bluenette.

"That's only a m-myth. There's no such thing as superheroes.. it's just a comic you drew."

"No, Marinette. Ladybug is real. You want to know why?" Alya pressed on, not planning on giving up.

Marinette sniffed. "Why? Alya, I d-don't understand-"

"Marinette, you don't understand- you're Ladybug. I wouldn't have been able to make this all up on my own. I based all of Ladybug's traits off of you- kindness, bravery, cunning, s-selflessness.."

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