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Here's a second one in the same hour, cause y'all are babes. (;

(This one is pretty long btw)


/Overcasting fear\

"Really now? I cannot wait to get a load of this."

"I can't believe it.."

"This ought to be interesting."

The halls buzzed with a familiar topic and echoed through curious ears. People scattered in different directions to spread the news. Garrett, commander of the BlackTalon, was most surprised with this news. He walked with pace through the barracks, clearly searching for someone. Finally he spotted Chat Noir by the canteen.

"Noir!" He yelled rather quietly, approaching him. The bandit turned around the greet him.

"What is it, Jacob? Apologies, but I'm in a bit of a hurry," he said a bit coldly, eyes darting over his shoulder. Garrett  did not see through this suspicious behavior, his thoughts scattered.

"You really haven't heard?"

Chat raised an eyebrow, contemplating. He hadn't heard much of anything important recently.. besides the reschedule of the execution. He had been very preoccupied with figuring out a way to break Andres and Marinette out, all the while remaining under the radar. Garret looked hesitant.

"Well, speak up, then?"

He swallowed. "Sakamo's been found dead. Down by the AT Barracks, gunshot wound straight through him. Wasn't sure how you'd take the news, considering he's your partner and all.." he trailed off, noticing Chat staring at him blankly. He internally cringed as if expecting anger, but surprisingly, none came.

"Oh.." was all Chat could say. He was the killer after all, but of course Garrett didn't know that. "Yes, I've heard. I'd rather not be reminded of it," he scoffed while lying, attempting to appear full of grief. Garrett bought it. He took a step back, giving Chat some space, and then turned around as if about to leave- but suddenly paused.

"Oh- one more thing," he said, turning around to face him. "Lighten up!" He grabbed Chat's shoulder cheerfully, shooting him a truly evil smile. "The grandmaster, after all, has declared that you'll be the one executing Bantum and the pesky girl. Isn't that utterly exciting?"


"Name's Saud. Saud Vester. I'll be helping you through this whole process," The executioner stated, a cold, deadness in his eyes. It almost seemed as if all of those people he had killed had taken little bits of his soul with them. Bags formed under his eyes, indicating a tiredness not a result of lack of sleep, but instead that of a dead being. His hands shook and were clumsy with the ropes.

"Let me," Chat offered expressionlessly while tying the knot around the back of the chair pitying him only slightly. He probably had the hardest job on base, after all. The man did not thank him and instead rubbed a beat of sweat off his forehead with his wrist, and ran a hand through his silver-tipped black locks.

He noticed Chat's staring, and crossed his arms. "You know, it's not so hard. Only the first time, especially since prior to then I had never before shed another man's blood..." he trailed off. He suddenly scowled, and looked away from Chat with envy crossing his features.

"Shouldn't be such a task for you, though. You're a born killer. You'd probably end up enjoying it like all the sick people in the stands.. all they have to do is witness it, not perform the action themselves. That's why they're so satisfied with it." He started on the next knot, and Chat averted his gaze.

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