The Sextuplets' Idea

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It has been a few days after that disastrous dinner date with Hiro-I mean Iyami. I was so petrified that I isolated myself inside the Matsuno's house, fearing that I would run into the man.

But today, we were helping Totoko set up posters and handing out flyers to everyone for her performance. However, it didn't work out as we hoped.

The poor fish idol bawled her eyes out after another failure. The brothers attempted to comfort her, but she punched them and threw herself on me. Sobbing loudly onto my shoulder.

I attempted to comfort her by rubbing small circles on her back, telling her "It's okay" and "I know how you feel". I held Totoko in my arms until her sobs died down.

We then decided to head back home for dinner, so we left Totoko's house and walked home. When we arrived home, we were greeted by Mrs. Matsuno who was currently cooking us dinner.

A couple minutes later, the sextuplets' mother serves us dinner along with their father and we begin eating.

After supper we decided to go to bed early since we were stuffed and exhausted. We headed upstairs and waited for each of our turn to use the bathroom. After my turn, I went to my room and stripped off my clothes. Throwing on my night gown Totty gave me, I laid down on the futon and fell in a deep slumber.

The following morning, I was awoken by yelling coming from downstairs. I tried blocking the noise with my pillow. But with no avail, it grew got louder.

I groaned as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I slowly got up and made my way downstairs. When I entered the living room, the brothers were in a heated argument about something.

"What is going on here?" I grumbled, my voice low from waking up.

The sextuplets grew quiet and turned to me.

"Osomatsu nii-san wants all of us to hang out together but we don't want to because he's annoying," Todomatsu replied.

"Aww...Why not? Onii-chan loves to spend time with his little brothers," The eldest whined.

"We want to spend time with (Y/N) individually," Choromatsu said to Osomatsu. The other brothers nodded their head at the third eldest's opinion.

I blushed at Choromatsu's response.

They all want to hang out with me separately?

"R-really?" I asked, my faced still flustered.

Karamatsu nodded his head. "That's right. With each day that passes by, our special bonding will begin to bloom like a flower in the spring and-"

"Tch...Yeah we get it, Shittymatsu. Now make some room for (Y/N)," Ichimatsu cuts him off.

They make room for me and I sat between Karamatsu and Choromatsu.

"So (Y/N), what do you think of this idea?" Choromatsu asked me.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. We can do that if you'd like," I responded.

"Alrighty! Sounds like a plan then!" Osomatsu said. "Starting tomorrow we will each be spending the entire day with (Y/N) and we will be going in birth order from oldest to youngest!"

Totty whined. "You're no fair, Osomatsu nii-san! I am always last!"

"I make the rules here because I'm the eldest!"

Todomatsu huffed and crossed his arms.

"Yahoo! I can't wait to play baseball with (Y/N)!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed.

We laughed at the cheery and excited brother, before starting our breakfast.

I can't wait to see what they all have in store for me.

Sorry for the short chapter (and sorry if it sucks). I was debating whether or not to write another chapter dealing with Totoko and her idol issues, so I just summarized it.

But the next chapter will be longer than this.

Next time: You spend the whole day with Osomatsu!

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