Spending The Day With Ichimatsu

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Every morning was the same routine: wake up, eat breakfast and get dressed. Today was Ichimatsu's turn to spend the whole day with me.

We are currently in the living room with the others, minding our own business when I noticed the fourth brother in his usual corner. I slowly made my way towards him and sat next to him.

"Hey Ichimatsu."

He looked at me with with half lidded eyes. "Mm?"

"What do you have planned for us today?" I asked him.

There was a slight pause before the man responded. "Maybe we could feed the cats if you'd like."

I smiled softly. That seems like a nice and relaxing thing to do. "I'd love to."

Ichimatsu's cheeks turned red and diffidently avoided eye contact with me.

"O-okay. We'll leave soon so get ready," he said before going up to his shared bedroom to grab cat treats.

I unplugged my phone from its charger and placed it in my pocket. When Ichimatsu came downstairs we slipped on our shoes and left the house.

The walk to the alleyway was quite so I decided to start a conversation.

"So Ichimatsu, how long have you been visiting these cats for?"

"I've been visiting them ever since I was in high school," he replied. "Something about cats make me feel in ease and takes stress away from me. They make me happy."

I smiled at the man. It was heartwarming that this mysterious man could have a soft spot for animals.

"That's nice, after all these years the cats seem to be attached to you."

Even though the bottom half of his face was covered by his face mask, it was obvious he was hiding his flushed cheeks.

"And I want to thank you for bringing me along with you," I thanked him.

Ichimatsu turned his face away to the side. "But why would you ever want to hang out with trash like me?" His words slighty muffled from his mask.

"What was that?" I asked.


When we reached the alleyway, the cats slowly made their way out of their hiding spots and walked towards Ichimatsu meowing loudly for food. The man then pulled out a handful of sardines and fed the hungry cats.

Even though he was wearing the surgical mask, I could tell that he was wearing a smile on his face. Seeing him so happy around those cats brings a smile to my face as well.

I then felt something brush against my leg, I look down to see a cat rubbing on me. Ichimatsu hands me a handful of sardines.

"Here, you can feed them."

I squatted down to fed the cat. Gently stroking it's soft fur as it ate. Then three more cats walked up, meowing for the treats.

"Alright, alright. I'll feed you all too," I said to the hungry cats. I gave each of them a couple sardines and they ate it in content.

After feeding the cats, Ichimatsu suggested that we could go to a cat cafe. We then left the alleyway filled with happy and satisfied cats.

The walk to the cafe wasn't that far, it just around the corner from the alleyway. When we entered the cafe, the inside was small yet adequate.

The waiter led us to a room filled with lots of cats. When we sat down on the couch, the cats jumped up and settled on our laps. We then ordered food and while we waited, we played and pet the furry feline animals.

After a few minutes later, our food arrived. I squealed at how cute the food was. Everything was cat themed so I pulled out my phone and took pictures before we ate.

After we ate, we sat and relaxed and played with the cats some more. Then a little while later, I heard soft snoring next to me, I turned and saw Ichimatsu napping.

I giggled softly at how cute he looked. I gently ran my hand through his messy hair and ruffled it. Then a pair of cat ears popped up on top of his head. My eyes widened in surprise, not really expecting that to happen.

My hand made its way behind his ears and lightly scratched them. Soft purring came from the sleeping man. I smirked and moved to scratch his chin. His purring got louder and rubbed his face against my hand.

I blushed at his action and gently ran my thumb against his soft and pale skin. His eyes slowly opened and meet mine. His eyes widened and jumped off the couch, his face a bright red.

"I-i'm sorry!" I quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

Ichimatsu took a couple deep breaths before replying back. "I-It's fine. You just surprised me, that's all."

After we left the cafe, we headed back home. When we arrived at his house, right before Ichimatsu was about to open the door I tugged onto his purple sleeved parka.


He stopped and turned towards me. "Hmm?"

"Thank you for bringing me to the cat cafe. And I also want to thank you for teaching Iyami his lesson," I said. Smiling at the man.

He turned red, quickly turning away and trying to cover his face with his mask.

"Y-yeah...no problem," he studdered out before quickly entering the house.

How cute...

I giggled softly before heading inside the house as well.


It has been a few hours since Ichimatsu and I returned home. I spent most of my time in my room playing various apps on my phone. I then got bored and decided to search around the house for the purple Matsuno.

When I entered the sextuplets' room, I saw Ichimatsu napping on the green sofa. I giggled at how peaceful he looked.

I slowly laid myself next to him and rested my head on his lap, snuggling against him. I almost drifted off until I was startled by Ichimatsu who was awoken by my presence.

"W-w-what are you doing?" He studdered out, a bright blush forming on his face.

I quickly got up to face the disconcerted man. "I wanted to spend some more time with you before the day ends," I replied.

"But why would you ever want to be around trash like me?" Ichimatsu countered at me.

"Who said I didn't want to hang out with you?"

There was a pause before Ichimatsu let out a soft "tch".

"I guess you have a point. Now let me sleep, I'm tired."

Ichimatsu shifted slightly to be in a comfortable position before shutting his eyes close.

I stared at the man before laying down to rest my head on his lap.

"You know your really adorable when you sleep," I say. "Sort of like a cat."

Ichimatsu turned a bright red at my remark. "Tch. Trash like me don't deserve to be called 'adorable'."

I lightly laughed at his shyness before we both drifted off into a nap on the green couch.

Sorry if this chapter is trash. I didn't really know what else to do for Ichimatsu so I did what I thought would be accurate for the character.

Also in a few days I will be gone at Disney World for a week so I won't update for a while.

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