Oh My God, It's F6!

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"(Y/N), wake up!" A voice calls out. "We're going to be late!"

I groaned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and looked up at the person in front of me.


"Yes it's me, now get up! We have to go to school. The boys are going to be arriving soon!"

I looked at her confused, "What boys?"

Totoko sighed in exasperation. "You know, the F6 boys!"

Then it all clicked to me.

Oh shit! We're going to be late for the arrival of F6!

I jumped out of the bed as my roommate threw my school uniform at me. I quickly slipped on the clothes and brushed my messy (H/C) hair before grabbing a piece of toast and running out the door with Totoko.

We ran towards the gates of Osomatsu Academy surrounded by screaming fangirls. Security pushing them aside for us to make room. We stood and waited until the limo arrived.

A few minutes later, the vehicle pulls over and the door opened to reveal the handsome, red, man, Osomatsu Matsuno.

He is the oldest and the leader of F6 and he is also known as "Refreshing Justice" Osomatsu.

The girls waved and threw gifts at him as he walked by, waving back at them with a smile. I felt my heart flutter when Osomatsu's beautiful blue-violet eyes met mine.

Following the oldest brother, came Karamatsu Matsuno, the badass second eldest who was a carnivorous carnivore who eats extra meat.

The man pulled down his shades and gave a wink which caused half of the girls to have massive nosebleeds. After Karamatsu, came along Choromatsu Matsuno.

He is known as the beautiful genius since he is an associate professor at Harvard University. The green haired man adjusted his glasses as he gestured at the crowd with a smile.

Then Ichimatsu Matsuno followed behind Choromatsu. He is considered the charismatic centripetal force and is known for being mysteriously cool.

As he walked by, the girls would swoon whenever he made eye contact with them.
Afterwards, the sweet prince himself arrived, Jyushimatsu Matsuno.

The happy man was the Slayer of many hearts as he was sweet and charming. After Jyushimatsu, Todomatsu Matsuno walked by.

He was the youngest brother out of the six and was the cute fairy due to his miraculous looks. Todomatsu waved and blew kisses which made the crowd go wild.

As the cherry blossom petals fall, we watched the brothers enter the building while security held us back to prevent us from bombarding the idols. When we were able to get inside the academy, I got a better look of each of the boys.

I could see why all those girls go crazy over them. Even though they looked the same, they each have their own distinct features. They are quite the lookers and can make a girls' panties wet in a matter of seconds.

When my eyes met Osomatsu's once more, he grinned and waved at me. I found myself waving back with a small smile on my face.

"Ooh! He noticed you!" Cooed Totoko. "Go talk to him."

"Wait, then all those rapid fangirls are going to kill me!"

"Come on! I was the lucky girl last time and nothing happened!" She nudged me.

I stared at her blankly. "You died of a nosebleed..." The brunette rolled her eyes in response.

"That's different, now go!" She roughly shoved me out of the crowd. I stumbled and tripped before falling on top of the man.

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