Dm: Scorbus?

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Hey Al.....


So y'know I'm dating Rose yeah?

And let me guess she wants you to stop talking to me right?...


So do it then, because honestly I can't deal with all this shit anymore and I'm pretty sure you don't want to be in the middle of it either, so here I'm giving you an easy way out , just stop talking to me, cut me out of your life for good, it'll be better for both of us in the end

ALBUS! STOP! You're my BEST FRIEND, you were there for me when no one else was, when I was a lonely little eleven year old boy, sitting in that empty carriage with my bag of sweets, you came in and sat beside me even though our parents were like mortal enemies, you sat and we talked and I was so happy. I thought I was gonna lose you to the Gryffindor crowd but we both got sorted into Slytherin and it was perfect, more then it could ever be. Al you see me when I'm sad and when I'm happy at my best and my worst... I can't lose you, not for her not for anyone ever.

Just stop, please I can't ...not anymore... I guess she wins, she got what she wanted....Goodbye Scorpius

@Malfoy.Scorp: Albus Severus Potter don't you dare

@Slytherin_Potter has blocked @Malfoy.Scorp and @RosiePosie

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