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@Malfoy.Scorp: look what I found in the manor library, actual cuties 😝
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@Lil_Pottah: Kay but is it just me, or did Slytherin have a lot of hotties in their house? 👀
@SimplyAl: first of all it still has 'hotties' hello have you seen me and secondly your new name makes you sound like a failed sound-cloud rapper lol
@KingJSP: is that the sound of my little sister being bullied, I have been summoned, oh wait it's just Albus, I'll allow this to continue lol. Also high-key agree. With the last bit. About the rapping and only the rapping cause Al, let's be honest, on a good day you're a 7, don't beg, clearly I'm the only ten in this family
@Lil_Pottah: I'm tHe OnlY teN In ThiS FAmiLy
@Lil_Pottah: also did I mention that I hate you both of you
@Malfoy.Scorp: not that I don't love you Potters, I do, but please kindly take your family shenanigans out of my comments
@Malfoy.Scorp: we're trying to maintain a calm and friendly atmosphere on this page 🌻💞🌼
@SimplyAl: sorry love 😌 {DELETED}
@Frankalicious: oop who else saw that cheeky comment from Albus🍷👀
@SimplyAl: what comment from me?
@spicyalice: spill the tea bro
@Frankalicious: nothing nothing I'm just being stupid ignore me
@KingJSP: g o s t u p i d
@FreddyKreuger: go crazy
@Frankalicious: 🤪
@Malfoy.Scorp: Kay you're all odd and why on God's earth has everyone got weird names all of a sudden like please
@FreddyKrueger: o d d Isn't it spooky even
@KingJSP: i want a new one now

@KingJSP changed his name to @jammyboi_123

@jammyboi_123: wait i don't like it mine was perfect before, as i am myself duh, go back go back

@jammyboi_123 changed his name to @KingJSP

@Spicyalice: okay I'm confused
@SimplyAl: ngl this comment section is anarchy - a m e s s
@Malfoy.Scorp: all I wanted to do was post a picture of my dad :(
@SimplyAl: cheer up Scorpy and turn that frown upside down I appreciate your pictures
@Malfoy.Scorp: thanks Al :)
@Lil_Pottah: how did I get stuck with not one but TWO dumb brothers, thick as a plank of wood istg

Scorpius mulled over the last comment, his dad often did mention that Harry wasn't the brightest bulb in the box, but more importantly he and Albus, Albus and himself were being friendly, huh, cute. Scorpius thought absentmindedly about his dad, they had never really spoken about the whole gay thing, Scorpius never really tried to hide anything and Draco never really pried, the war had changed him, he'd abandoned all his previous blood purity believes and had become very accepting as he'd aged, no longer a frightened, lonely boy. Draco never really knew what true friendship was until after the war when people left him, shunned him, but he didn't care it didn't matter, what mattered was that the important people stayed like Blaise, Theo and even Pansy, the older Malfoy had even slowly and carefully ventured out making new friends like Neville. He was just glad Scorpius had a friend of his own, someone who he could trust, confide in, a friend. A boyfriend, Draco didn't really know, he didn't pry just as long as his boy was happy.

And Scorpius was happy, wasn't he? He and Albus where being friendly and that was good right? Scorpius sank deep into his chair. Wrong. He didn't want to be just friends with Albus he wanted more, and that was incredibly selfish of him. Albus was happy now he'd finally moved on. Friendly was the operative word, Scorpius could certainly remember a few nights ago when they were being decidedly more than just friendly, and of course there were a few drunken snogs in the Slytherin dorm room here and there, that was normal platonic friendly behaviour right? Like who hasn't drunkenly snogged one of their mates, they were young and wanted to explore, on that note however he couldn't remember kissing any of his other mates. Passionately. On the lips. After all Scorpius was a very needy person who needed lots of love and affection. Not that he didn't get that at home, he did with his dad and when his mum was alive well he'd rather not talk about his mum, he missed her, he needed her he- no best not get bogged down on things that couldn't be changed ... no.

Well um anyway Scorpius was just an attention whore, positive attention only of course, and only from his close friends and family, in the form of very warm hugs, he would literally die of shame if everyone in a room was staring at him, which with him having platinum blonde hair, being the son of Draco Malfoy and throughout most of his Hogwarts years being close friends with the son of the saviour of the Wizarding world, happened a lot. It wasn't thrilling but he was okay with his life, to an extent, so the past year hadn't been super and all but he'd had his first real ish relationship, yeah he liked Rose, he admired her talent, her ambition, her ferocity but it was more of a friendly admiration it was Albus, it was always Albus and it was only Albus, he was and still very much is in love with Albus.

Why was he such a dickhead why did he have to screw everything up and why was life so complicated. It was so fucking unfair, but no as much as he wanted to weep to talk himself whilst watching soppy movies and stuffing his face full of sweets, very un-Malfoy but very Greengrass of him, Scorpius had to get up off his arse and do something about his life. Carpe Diem and all that, but before he went off seizing his day he had to cram in a few hours of complaining in to his one and only (how sad) friend, Scamander. Well it was standard procedure of course.


Yes...it has been over a year but like I cringe so much re-reading this back but like it's also my baby and I have to finish it, I owe it to myself and to the people who for some reason enjoy this so I will theres this chapter and one more after it sooo close to the end I promise I'll get the last chapter out before the end of the year but I can't promise it'll be good, not sure how to end it. I guess you could throw some suggestions in the comments on what you think and or want to happen and I may consider it but yeah that's It and I guess thanks for reading.

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