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@S.Malfoy: throwback to the good 'ol days as SlytherKings 👑 rulers of the Slytherin dorms
Tagged: @SimplyAl
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@SimplyAl: beautiful and all but a bit random ?? :p
@ScorbusShipper: eeeeeeee my boys my boys
@S.Malfoy: I found these on my old phone and transferred them, miss Hogwarts y'know - miss hanging out @SimplyAl ;)
@KingJSP: Scorbus shipper ? What's a Scorbus? I'm confused?
@SimplyAl: we hung out yesterday though you dork :) or am I that forgettable?
@Sneak101: oooo development! Exciting
@Price'n'Slice: wait you hung out yesterday? With Scorpius? Together, where you drinking together...
@PatriciaPrin: do I smell drama? Trouble in paradise eh? Who cares I'm Scorbus forever like total trash
@SimplyAl: uh well I..um yeah? @Price'n'Slice I can explain I promise


Charlie was confused and honestly quite hurt, he knew things had happened between Albus and Malfoy...but that was all in the past right? Like Al's drinking... or at least they should be. He'd rang him yesterday, he said he was drinking, that his family couldn't find out and that's why he ditched them. But, he was with Scorpius yesterday, with Scorpius drinking or doing something else with him? Is that why he left him two days prior? He left him to be with Scorpius Malfoy? Scorpius. Fucking. Malfoy. What? Was Charlie not good enough anymore? Al needed an upgrade did he? - Or in the case of Scorpius Malfoy a downgrade, No! No it was fine, he needed to calm down, it was just a misunderstanding yeah? Easy mistake. He needed to speak with Albus, straighten things out - get the real story. It would be fine, with a totally normal explanation. He just needed to talk to Albus. They would laugh about it after, but first they had to talk.


Albus ended the call. Charlie wanted to see him, said they had something serious - or was it important - I guess you can't have one without the other, said they had something seriously important to talk about and it couldn't wait. Everyone knows when your in a relationship and the other half says we need to talk, you just know - something bad is about to happen. What was going on - what had Albus done? Well, what had he done that Charlie had found out about because he had already done plenty of bad things that would be better kept locked away in the shadowy alcoves of his tumultuous memories. Things that should never be mentioned again. Nothing mild, like that time he pushed Lily down the stairs and blamed it on James or the Christmas of his second year at Hogwarts when he had timidly kissed Scorpius under the mistletoe albeit on the cheek but it was still their first real kiss and Albus still thought about it occasionally. No he had done things much worse.. much much worse. He was a very guilty boy, and ashamed so ashamed, his dad would be so disappointed in him and that hurt somewhere deep inside of him, maybe even his heart. Albus knew it was wrong but..after everything..and he looked so beautiful...but...but he was with Charlie and it was wrong, he shouldn't even think about anyone else let alone...

Charlie wanted to talk? So be it Albus would talk. He would tell him everything. Absolutely everything. No more secrets no more.

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