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1 week since the incident:

Albus paced, he did that a lot, well when he was stressed. And right now well he was extremely fucking stressed. It was the guilt, it was eating him up. He needed to fess up. To tell Charlie, oh god Charlie what was he going to do. He stopped pacing he wasn't a Gryffindor but like ninety percent of his family was so surely that counted for something right? Right...yeah it did it had to surely all had to do was borrow some of that bravery and man up he owed that to Charlie to himself at the very least. That was if he could come to terms with it, it was a blur really it all happened so fast it was, it was...
It was so awkward. Albus looked at Scorpius. Scorpius sort of stared back. He really wanted to kiss him in that moment. God, Scorpius Malfoy had a very kissable face. With his stupid, soft blonde locks that cascaded in flowing waves down his forehead, stopping just above his hypnotic icy blue eyes. Jesus that was so gay. He was sogay....but Scorpius wasn't gay, or if he was he wasn't into him. How fan-fucking-tastic!

He'd waited for years to confess his feelings...kind of, okay so he'd kept it hidden in the depths of his heart in fear of being rejected but we digress. I mean he was going to be honest he was, but then his darling cousin Rose Granger-Weasley just had to fucking swoop in didn't she..okay that was mean, Rose and him were on good terms now and Albus had learnt how to express his feelings properly and the therapy and all that 'look to the future not the past' and all that. But it still didn't change the fact that he was heartbroken. His heart was crushed. That first picture- the first time he saw them together it was soul destroying, it destroyed Albus made him crazy made him go off the rails, well okay Albus played a big part in all of that but the drugs and alcohol I'd kinda cloud his mind..no taking responsibility that was another part of the therapy he needed to take responsibility, but damn it was hard.
Albus currently stood in front of Charlie's door, he was going to do it he was going to confess. Agh he couldn't do it he couldn't hurt Charlie like that, well technically he had all ready done it and therefore by process of continuity hurt Charlie already but he didn't have to see the look of betrayal in his eyes, he was.. a monster... after all his dad did for the wizarding world after both wars, after trying so hard to cleanse their world of evil and tyranny and Voldemort, all those lives lost. Well it was in vain wasn't it. They failed. Because Albus Severus Potter was a monster. Maybe he should just leave, leave the wizarding world,  leave him, leave Charlie, it-it would be better that way, he always just messed things up anyway. Maybe he should...maybe he could? Disappear y'know into the night? Run away he was good at that, he'd just leave a note explaining everything, well maybe not everything but... yeah he'd do that he'd leave. Right now, right this moment...


Fuck. Why why why why why fuckity fucking fuck, was he dreaming? He must be dreaming, Dying perhaps? Descending into the fiery pits of hell? Nothing less than he deserved of course- but he thought that maybe it would happen quite later in life - considering his youth and excellent health- maybe it was lily and one of her potions, god this was so unfair. And all he could simply say was,

"Um, hi Charlie..."

As expected the other boy seemed slightly puzzled, puzzled with coffee, but still puzzled.

"Um not that I'm happy you're here Al- cause I am, come to think of it I've been meaning to speak to you but you're always busy as of late and it's always nice when you're here but well um why are you here? And um why where you walking away from my door?"

Well Albus has all the answers to those questions and a lot more to tell.


Albus looked at Scorpius. Scorpius looked at Albus.

"Um I need to- I'm just going to- I'm- i uh milk?" Albus pitifully mumbled, breaking the eye contact. What a complete knob. A fucking idiot, truly milk? What was he thinking milk...

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