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@S.Malfoy: me: God I hate selfies
also me: *uploads selfie on to Instagram*
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@Lewie: is this actual documented evidence of Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy cracking a joke
@S.Malfoy: ha ha very funny
@LouLouW: still a cutie pie
@OfficialSkeeter: is it true that you and Rose Weasley broke up - possibly due to Albert Severus Potter?
@SimplyAl: *Albus
@S.Malfoy: *Albus
@MrLupin: can you just please fucking leave @OfficialSkeeter
@DailyProphet: we will pay lots of ʛs to run a story about your relationship with the eldest Weasley of Child of Ron and Hermione
@RosiePosie: *Granger-Weasley
@Buzzfeed: this seems interesting and British can we use this on our site please - we do pay
@hUGoIDiOtO: his father will hear about this

@S.Malfoy has blocked @OfficialSkeeter, @DailyProphet and @Buzzfeed

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