15: the max

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"Who did this to you?"

"He did."

Prince already knew who did it in the first place.

The reason why Andy hadn't cried after Jay had hit her and why he scared her when he showed up to her apartment drunk, is because it wasn't the first time.

He'd hit her a couple times before.

The first two times, she did cry.

But she was able to be strong now.

She dismissed it as each time being her fault, but it wasn't. It was Jay's issues and his problems, his short-comings and flaws.

She told Prince everything.
How he came to her apartment, attempted rape but didn't get close to it, how he hit her and stormed out.

Prince put two and two together, and figured out that it had to have been that night when he called her and she sounded desolate.
It made him upset, knowing that she was going through that and that Jay had put his hands on her.

Emotional abuse was one thing but physical abuse was another.

Prince just wished he had been there in person to comfort her, hold her in his arms and to tell her it would all be okay.

He was angry.
He wanted to hurt Jay -- much worse than he'd ever hurt Andy and more.

He admired how strong she was though. She explained all of that without shedding a single tear, but after telling him, Prince still felt like she deserved to be held.

He scooted closer to her, turning his body in her direction.

"When did he first start doing this to you? Why?"

He was an asshole, that's why.
No probable excuse or reason could make up for why he hit her.

Nonetheless, no man should ever hit a woman. That was crossing the line and it was utterly disgusting.

"The day I found out about him cheating again. He tried to get me to sleep with him and I didn't want to, and I told him I would leave so he hit me. I don't know what I was thinking when I forgave him each time."

Shaking his head in shame, he placed his arms around Andy and pulled her into his embrace once again, like he'd done so gentle and lovingly earlier.

Andy felt safe this way, she'd always felt so comfortable around Prince. Even while they were just friendly, and feeling each other out before they became best friends.

His vibes were always positive and he was someone she could just relax around.
It was difficult to describe but wherever he was, the atmosphere just seemed to have a seismic shift and everything would be okay.

She was okay.

She loved where she was right now, and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. She began to think that his arms is where she needed to be all along.

Prince kisses her forehead.

He wasn't going to show it to Andy, but he was boiling with fury inside. It was pushing him over the edge, and he didn't know how to make that feeling go away.

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