34: walk in sand

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December 23, 2011

Andy inhales and exhales.

Tilting her head up further towards the sky, she looked straight into the sun as she adjusted the darkly-tinted Dior sunglasses on her face.

In that moment, she found herself feeling completely content and absolutely calm. With the sun shining down on her and the waves crashing gently against the rocks and the land, she closed her eyes.

She wanted to shut her brain off temporarily; lie still and think of nothing. She just wanted to feel the gentle breeze on her skin and hear the sounds of the ocean, which spread out blue and wide in front of her endlessly.

No worries, just full contentment.

You're all... I need... to get by...

Strains of music come floating out from the house behind her. Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's You're All I Need to Get By plays softly, shifting her attention for a moment. Before turning her head towards the source of the music, she smiles to herself and sees that it is coming out of the kitchen. The patio doors are opened wide.

She chuckles a little and turns back around, only to close her eyes and relax again.

Unbeknownst to her, someone emerges from the house behind her, stepping out onto the patio and making their way down to the beach. Perhaps it'd been the sound of the wind, the ocean or the music, but she didn't hear the soft crunching of sand behind her.

Like sweet morning dew
I took one look at you
And it was plain to see
You were my destiny

Because she had closed her eyes, she hadn't noticed Prince standing over her. He was blocking her sun.

With arms open wide
I threw away my pride
I'll sacrifice for you
Dedicate my life to you

Instead of scaring her, which is what came to mind first, he sat down on the edge of her pink beach chaise and trickled his fingertips up the side of her right thigh. That made her open her eyes suddenly.

She giggled upon seeing him sitting there, wearing nothing but a pair of black swimming shorts and a matching scarf tied up to protect his hair.

She immediately leaned in to kiss him. He began to laugh heartily, muffled against her lips.

I will go where you lead
Always there in time of need

And when I lose my will
You'll be there to push me up the hill

A kiss that started out so sweet and subtle quickly transitioned into something much more heavier and very intense. Prince had wrapped his arm around Andy's back, bringing her body closer to him. Andy's hands had found themselves placed on his bare shoulders.

There's no, no looking back for us
We got love sure 'nough, that's enough
You're all, you're all I need to get by

As easy as it was for her to get lost in the tangle of his loving arms and embrace, and for her mind to become hazy while her lips were against his, Andy had to remember that they weren't the only two here and pulled away from his lips, their noses still brushing against each other's and their lips just inches apart. She stared into his eyes and still clung to him.

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